Leading the Charge Part 1

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This was easily one of the weirdest  situations Ben had ever found himself in, and that's saying a lot, considering what he's been through. Ever since he got the original Omnitrix six years ago, he's fought mutants,robots, evil secret societies, psychopaths,alien bounty hunters,plain bounty hunters,alien warlords,alien dictators, and alien invaders just to name a few. In all his active years of being a hero,he thought he had seen it all, but just by looking at his current predicament, one could tell that fate had other plans for him.

Still in the form of Jetray,Ben had gotten a better view of the city he was in, and as such, began to understand just how dire the situation was. Several mutilated or just plain desecrated corpses of people mostly wearing the same clothes as Mina filled the land. It was enough to make a man nauseous just from the sight of all that carnage. Though Jetray did immediately feel that sensation, he was able to suppress it as soon as it appeared, but a grim expression now formed on his face.

"If only I'd gotten here sooner,many of these people would still be alive." Said Jetray sorrowfully.

"At least I can take some comfort in the fact that most of the Titans in this city won't hurt anyone ever again." Said Jetray almost like in a growl. Images of downed Titans, with steam coming out from their necks came to mind, indicating that he must have killed them along the way.

Not too long after he said this, his eyes fell on a rooftop that had a boy,on his knees,dressed in the same clothing as Mina.His frame was relatively small and lacking in muscle but not the definition. He had large hazel eyes and a small pointed nose which was distinctly a bit red. His blond hair was styled in a long undercut with bangs over his entire forehead. He had noticeable defined eyebrows and sideburns. The boy looked frozen in position, almost like he couldn't move.

'Someone's still on those rooftops, but he looks far from ok.' Thought Jetray.

"Need to get him to safety." As Jetray said this,he flew towards the boy and picked him with his feet by his shoulders. Even then, the boy had no reaction,at least initially. The boy's eyes slowly began to look up to Jetray, almost as if he was waking up from sleep. After a few blinks, his eyes managed to stay open. That is, only for them to widen upon seeing Jetray clearly. Jetray felt the sudden uneasiness from the boy and looked down at him.

'Oh man, he's even more scared than Mina was. I just need to play it cool so he doesn't freak out' Thought Jetray worriedly as he noticed the boy's mouth which was now open, begin to shiver.

"Uh...Hi there." Greeted Jetray with a weak smile.

Big mistake,as almost immediately.

"AAAAHHHH!" Shouted the boy as he began to flail wildly.

'Oh man,I knew this was going to happen.' Thought Jetray in an almost whining tone. Though the boy's flailing continued, Jetray's firm hold on him remained.

"Oh no you don't. I'm not dropping you. Not until we get to somewhere safe." Said Jetray in a tone of assurance. Though this did nothing to calm the boy down,it didn't deter Jetray either,as he maintained his slow flight speed. For a few minutes, Jetray would fly past each house and building, until he eventually came to a stop in front of a building that had an empty hallway.

"This seems like a good enough place.'" Said Jetray as he then placed the flailing boy on the ground gently. The boy upon landing immediately ran up a pillar and rested his back to it, his body still shaking with fear as his eyes still fell on Jetray.

"Alright, we're safe. Now I need you to just..." Said the Aerophibian as he landed on the ground, initially looking around him. Once his eyes fell back on the boy however, he stopped speaking.

Ben 10:In the World of Titans Remake (Original by Domino117)Where stories live. Discover now