[013] exit sign.

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exit sign.

THE GROUP RAN THROUGH THE MAZE, THE MOSSY CONCRETE WALLS TOWERING OVER THEM. "Everybody, this way." Thomas called out. "Keep it up, guys. We're almost there." The group tried their best to stay together, not wanting anyone to fall behind and get lost on their own.

As they reached the dark alleyway the machine had last directed them to, the group was quick to huddle by the wall, staying hidden incase Grievers were found inside. Thomas looked down the hall to see a Griever at the very end, chittering aloud. 

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

The group was quiet for a second before Minho spoke up.

"You take this, Chuck." He said handing the boy the key. "Stay behind us." 

"It's okay. Just stick with me." Teresa reassured the boy as she tied up her hair to keep it out of the way.

"Once we're through it'll activate and the door will open." Thomas began to explain to the group. "All right, we stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying." He spoke trying to motivate the group the best he could. "Ready?" The group gripped the spears in their hands, some getting out their machetes ready to face the monsters. "All right. Let's go!" He said as they ran into the alleyway, the Gladers screaming as they ran towards the now aggravated Griever.

As the monster ran towards them with its tail ready to attack. The Gladers began to use their spears, stabbing them into the Griever whenever they could. The monster used its tail to swipe over the Gladers before it picked one up, throwing them down the holes on the sides of the concrete walk way. 

As they were fighting, the key in Chucks hands got knocked out, rolling towards the edge of the platform. The boy ran over to grab it, nearly falling into the abyss. Looking down, he saw Grievers beginning to climb up the walls, however before he could get attacked, Teresa came up behind him, pulling him back onto the platform. 

The Gladers were able to push the first Griever into the darkness below once the other Grievers made their way onto the platform. As the Gladers fought, Teresa and Chuck ran ahead to open the exit of the Maze. As they fought, more Gladers got thrown away, churning more fear into those who had so far survived. 

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