[005] another girl.

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another girl. 

AS THE MAZE DOORS RUMBLED OPEN, THE GLADERS RUSHED OVER HOPING TO FIND THE THREE BOYS MAKING THEIR WAY OUT. The group huddled around, the air was still like the night before. It was only a matter of seconds before Newt lowly spoke to Chuck. "Told you, Chuck. They're not coming back." Whilst other Gladers began to walk away, Chuck and Oizys stayed behind, not wanting to believe the three were truly gone.

In the distance, grunting could be heard, Zart looked behind, muttering a 'no way' as he saw Thomas and Minho carrying Alby out of the Maze. "Yeah! Yes!" Chuck cheered, Oizys simply let out a breath of relief, beyond happy to see the three- well, two, as safe as they could be considering their previous situations. 

Oizys had a relieved smile on her face, the anxiety leaving her body as she watched the three. The Gladers that had turned around quickly rushed back, eager to help their obviously injured leader. The group continuously chattered, some in disbelief about the three being able to survive, and some, including Oizys, simply happy that they had. 

The boys were quickly surrounded with people helping to lower Alby to the ground, with some asking them questions, eager to find out how they had made it through the night safely. "You saw a Griever?" Chuck asked. Thomas looked up at the young boy, giving him a simple answer.

"Yeah, I saw one." Minho slightly shook his head, cutting in on the conversation. 

"He didn't just see it. He killed it." He spoke, wanting to give the boy whatever credit he deserved, whether good or bad. The Glade was silent in disbelief, everyone looking at Thomas in shock and amazement. 

Soon enough, all of the Glade was gathered in the Homestead. Inside, it was loud, people chattering about the events that had just occurred and what it would mean for the Glade. Oizys stood quietly in the corner, simply wanting to check if Minho was okay after his presumably exhausting night. 

"Things are changing." Gally spoke up. "There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight... and then Alby. And now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself to go into the Maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here." Whilst he spoke, everyone was quiet, taking in what he was saying.

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Frypan pitched in.

"Did he?" Gally simply questioned. "For three years, we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?" The Homestead remained quiet before Newt replied.

those who fall - the maze runner ¹حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن