[008] the key.

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the key.

WHEN MORNING CAME, MINHO AND OIZYS MADE THEIR WAY OVER TO THE PIT THOMAS HAD SPENT THE NIGHT IN. "Big day, Greenie. You sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Minho asked, looking down at the boy sitting in the pit. Thomas shook his head in slight annoyance and eagerness

"Come on, man. Get me out of here." He said quickly.

"All right." Minho simply replied as he began to open the door that blocked Thomas off from the rest of the Glade. After getting ready, the three made their way to the Maze door which had started to rumble open as soon as they stood in front of it. 

Once the door had opened enough, Minho looked towards the other two. "Let's go." He shouted before running off into the Maze, Thomas and Oizys not too far behind. "This way. Not much further to the inner ring." Minho yelled at the two. Whilst Thomas slightly struggled keeping up with the swift and sudden turns the boy took, Oizys felt back in routine almost immediately, knowing which turns to take before Minho had even taken then. 

Soon enough, the three made their way to a larger, more open area. A large worn number six was painted on the wall in red paint with multiple alleyways being found every way they looked. They continued to run, soon finding another open area with now, a number seven painted onto the wall. A section which should have been closed. 

The trio began to walk through section seven, curiously looking around. "That's strange." Minho said, mostly to himself.

"What?" Thomas asked. 

"Like I said, it's a rotation. Section seven shouldn't be open for another week." Oizys replied as she walked slightly behind the two, her hip already beginning to give her some trouble. Every now and then Minho looked back at the girl, making sure that she was still well within his sights. 

"What the hell is this place?" Thomas questioned as he looked around the space that was filled with thin, metal column looking structures. 

"We call them blades." Minho answered the curious boy. As they walked through the blades, they suddenly came across red fabric on the ground ahead. Jogging over, Minho crouched down to pick it up, finding Ben's old shirt now soaked in, what was assumed to be, his own blood. 

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