[010] how one can change.

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how one can change.

OIZYS QUICKLY TURNED AND RAN, HER FEET HITTING THE ROUGH CONCRETE FLOOR. She tried her hardest to get away from the beast, though unfortunately, it wouldn't be enough. She knew she wasn't the fastest runner, it was a known fact, but part of her couldn't help but hope that the monster would be slower.

She heard the metal clinking of the Grievers feet hitting the ground behind her disappear, and instead begin to originate from above her, though she wasn't able to fully comprehend it before the Griever dropped down right on top of her, surrounding her body with it's legs. She could feel it's sticky slime drip down onto her, but she couldn't care less about it in that moment.

She watched the Griever bring it's stinger down to her swiftly, though she was luckily able to roll onto her side fast enough for it to miss her by mere centimetres. Suddenly, she couldn't help but scream out in pain as the Griever pushed one of it's legs into her side, hitting her hip and part of her thigh; she knew immediately that it would be bleeding and that she had no way to help herself, only heightening her anxiety.

By some miracle, she was able to grab onto two of the Grievers legs situated above her head and pull herself out of being under the beast. Ignoring the searing pain found all throughout her body, she pulled herself up and began running as fast as she could through the turns of the maze. She knew she hadn't gotten away, but she didn't know she was close enough for the monster to still grab hold of her.

She felt her body pulled up, no longer feeling her feet on the secured ground. Her body hit the side of the Maze walls, the pain she had already felt become more severe by the second. As she felt her body hit the ground, she knew there was no way she had any chance of surviving unless she pushed herself as hard as she could and tried to get away from the damn thing.

Her previous sprint was converted into a swift hobble due to her injures, luckily for her, she had been close to another turn in the Maze before she was grabbed by the Griever. She quickly turned the corner to find a small hole in the wall covered by vines.

She tried her hardest to crouch down into the gap and move the vines back into place before the Griever spotted her. Holding her breath, she tightly shut her eyes and she listened to the metal clinking of the Griever as it slowly moved away from her and further into the Maze.

those who fall - the maze runner ¹حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن