I went to the living room with my phone in my hand and there i saw jimin playing with his phone.

"Hey chim your sister wants to talk with you."

"Oh alright."

I gave him the phone and i put his sandwich in the table then i went to the kitchen for their privacy.

Jimin's pov


"Brother why didn't you go home last night?"

"I went somewhere."

"Where's this somewhere?"

"That none of  your concern jihyo."

"It is now tell me."

"I'll tell you about it later mina and i have to go somewhere."

"Fine alright bye."


After i ended the call i ate my sandwich then went to the kitchen to wash my plate.When i arrived at the kitchen mina was staring at me like she wants to tell me something.


"Why didn't you come home last night?"

"Oh i was camping."

"Camping? Alone?"

"Yeah? I mean what's the problem with it?"

"Isn't it scary in the woods to camp alone?"

"I can't believe your scared in the forest."And i chuckled at her.

"Who's not going to be scared at the forest? There's a lot of insects,germs, creepy trees and monsters."

"Did you ever saw that in the forest?"

"No but i know there's a lot."

"You know you are shouldn't really judge before you try you know? I mean it would be great if you try camping it's good to have new experiences."

"I'll just whatever i want just not camping."

"Suit yourself by the way let's go?"

"Yeah i'll just get my bag."

"Yeah sure oh here's your phone."


Then she went upstairs to get her bag and i'm just here patiently waiting for her.After a few minutes she came back downstairs and she's now ready to go.

We went to my favorite cafe it was slightly far but she was patient i'm glad.We arrived a few moments later and opened the door for her.

"Wow it's beautiful here."

"Glad like it i use to go here a lot but because of my busyness i haven't come here since last 2 months ago."

She didn't respond because she was busy looking at the scenery.I think she likes the flowers here and this cafe has a river next to it that's why i always go here it's one of my comfort zones.

"Shall we go inside?"

"We shall."I took her hand and we went inside.Once i opened the door there was a waiter ready to escort us to our table.

"Table reserved for park jimin."The waiter asked.

"Yup that's me."

"Ok this way please."

We sat down and damn their seats here is still so comfortable.

"Shall i take your orders?"

"Ask the lady first."

"What would you like to order ma'am?"

"Oh i'll have an ice americano please."

"What about you sir?"

"My usual order."

"Got it your order will be here shortly."

"Wow i guess you go here a lot the waiter already knows what your usual orders are."

"Yeah i used to go here every friday night to relax."

"That's great,now why didn't you go home last night?"

"I told you already i went camping."

"Without letting your sister know?"

"Yeah? So what? She doesn't need to know everything tho."

"Even if you think that way she still has the right to know she's still your sister."

"Yeah i know but when i go camping i never tell anyone about it."


"Cause i'm clearing my mind."

"Oh ok,i see."

"Are you mad?"

"Why would i be mad?"

"Nothing you just look mad."

"I just look like this everyday,do you think i'm mad everytime?"

"No of course not i thought you were mad."

"I'm just kidding chim i'm not mad relax."

"Good to know."I muttered.



She just shrugged at me and look outside the window again enjoying the view.

To be continued...

Sorry i focused more in jimina here i just realized i haven't really have chapters where they're in it so yeah.

Btw happy new year!!!🥳

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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