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a person's reputation is their most precious thing

"Felix!" I called loudly as I rushed out the door looking left and right

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"Felix!" I called loudly as I rushed out the door looking left and right. It reminded me back to one of the first serious questions that he had ever asked me, why did I care so much about rumours? So, I decided that I wouldn't care anymore. I didn't care if the whole school witnessed me chasing after him, but his friendship was now so suddenly precious to me I didn't think I could go through with acting like strangers again. Some part of me didn't want to hurt him and I was adamant to fix what I'd messed up. Especially after he told me about his parents divorce, that must have been hard for him to grow up without a mother and living with a strict father.

But by the time I'd ran back up to the front of school where I believed he went; he was nowhere in sight. In just one day I had managed to lose all my friends, what a way to go.

I texted on the group chat to apologise again, mainly to Hyunjin, the look he gave me earlier was plain disappointment and it hurt. I stood outside now just staring ahead of me trying to work out how such a thing could happen in such a small amount of time. If only Felix had never lied that day.

The weather was quite chilly and from the look of the clouds it looked as if it was about to rain. Maybe Felix had just gone straight back home, if that was the case, I'd be able to catch him there.

I felt my phone buzz and now my heart did a little flip every time. As long as it wasn't another video I didn't care, but when I looked to see Hyunjin had put something on the group chat I became a little more relieved.

"I overreacted earlier, I didn't even hear you out, I think we should all meet up again."

"I just heard about it, Sakura, are you okay?" Hae texted which instantly made me feel so happy. At least she wasn't mad. That would have hurt me more than anything. Seungmin hadn't even seen the messages yet, but I knew by now that he took his public speaking class quite seriously.

"I'm out the front of school." I messaged on the group chat and then shut my phone screen off. If they wanted to come talk to me about it, I'd be happy to. This was just a big misunderstanding and they had to see that.

"Hey, Sakura..." After ten minutes of waiting, I already heard Hyunjin's voice and when I turned, I saw how he had his hands tightly in his hoodie pockets which was zipped up almost to his collarbones where a black t-shirt lay.

"Hyunjin! You walked out of your lesson?" I asked a little surprised, I was willing to wait until the end of classes. But I was so happy that he did.

"I'll hear you out, tell me everything that happened. I know, I said a reputation is important, but a friend's support is even more important." He spoke a little shyly but it was enough to light up my entire face. "Even if we have only known each other for two weeks, I know that you wouldn't hurt someone like that and I wanted you to know that before you went home today."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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✍︎ 𝙮𝙚𝙩, 𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙤 | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now