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accepting the heart

accepting the heart

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monday morning.

"Sakura!" I turned to see Hae running up to me clutching to a book. She had a pretty outfit on and her hair was in an up style.

"Aww Hae! You're back, is your mom okay now?"

"She's much better! How did your last week go?"

"It was okay, Hyunjin kept me company for most of it."

She smiled and looked around at the students walking about.
"I forgot how busy it was here." I laughed a little.

"We may get used to it one day."


It wasn't until lunch, when I saw Felix after such a long period of time. He was approaching me while I was sitting in the hallway and I looked around quickly to see if anybody else was around but they weren't. Even Hyunjin wasn't here as Seungmin wanted to get food out. I was too tired to walk today though.

"Come with me." He bluntly said and his hand gripped around my wrist pulling me off my seat without even asking.

"Yah, Felix let go." He pulled me down the corridor as I tried to keep up with him as he started heading for some stairs I'd never seen before. "It's hurting." I muttered as he ignored me and continued taking me up these thin stairs. Eventually we reached the top and there lay another corridor.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him a little firmer yet he still stayed ignoring me. With force I managed to rip my wrist out of his grip and he looked back at me as I was standing still.

"Stop complaining, we're almost there." He angrily remarked and grabbed my wrist again, as I looked up at him a little confused and angry.

He eventually took us up a smaller set of stairs and at the top was a door which he bashed open with his shoulder as I immediately saw the bright light.

Felix finally let go of my hand and he walked forward onto the roof of the college and he sat himself down, his legs dangling off the side.

"Be careful." I found myself saying. "You could easily fall."

But he just leant his head up to the sky as he leant back on his two hands. I admired his side profile as I sat down myself, against the wall though where there was a small barrier. I wouldn't take any risks like him. How did this even happen? Although the sun was a little behind the clouds, it was still bright and it reflected a little off his face. Now his eyes were closed I could think about things in peace. Even though he hurt my wrist I guess he had good intentions.

✍︎ 𝙮𝙚𝙩, 𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙤 | Lee FelixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora