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the cat named neko

Although at first I was a little stressed, I eventually loosened up and ended up having a great time with my friends

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Although at first I was a little stressed, I eventually loosened up and ended up having a great time with my friends. We had ordered many different types of pizzas so there was at least one flavour we loved. It allowed me to see the place where Hyunjin lived at the moment and Hae lived in the apartment opposite so it was very convenient for her at least.

"Do you have any idea who could be mad at you?" Hyunjin now asked me on a more serious level. Everybody was full from the food and even Seungmin had temporarily closed his eyes to have a small doze.

"No idea. Maybe someone who is obsessed with you and doesn't want me even being your friend."
Or Felix. I thought but didn't say. They still didn't know I knew him.

Hyunjin laughed at my idea.
"Imagine, if I had a stalker like that, I'd tell her to leave you alone, but I'm sure that's not the case. Maybe it's somebody who has a hatred for you from a while ago?"

I shrugged. "Who knows. I guess I'll just have to wait for her to show up again."

It started to get dark outside after a few hours and I noticed a couple of stars show in the sky. My head looked up through his window which looked out to the river and city.

"It's beautiful out there." I looked back to see Hae asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder and his head leaning back on the sofa. They had drunk only one small bottle of alcohol each but it had totally sent them to sleep but the image of them made me smile. I heard a loud flush from the bathroom and Seungmin walked out, his shirt untucked now as his hair was messier too. He softly smiled as he saw his flush had woken up Hyunjin slightly.

"Mmm what time is it?"

"8pm, I think I'll head off now." I declared and then Hyunjin noticed Hae on his shoulder and I watched his eyes widen a little.

"Don't wake her yet, she looks too peaceful." Seungmin and I laughed as we saw how Hyunjin was completely too tired to function still as he just stayed where he was.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

I picked up my jacket and keys, I'd been good not drinking anything and I could calmly take in the night air. Another good thing was that I didn't have to worry how Hae was getting back as she only lived opposite. I could take as long as I wanted. Hyunjin's apartment complex was in a perfectly beautiful location, the views from outside were stunning. As I made my way back to my car, the lamplight highlighted the annoying graffiti once again and I sighed. I'll take it to a car mechanic tomorrow to see if they can paint over it; if it doesn't wash off that is.

I pulled up outside my apartment and saw that all the lights were off from outside. Lei must be asleep. I was about to type in the passcode for the main building when something rubbed against my leg. I quickly looked down and my mouth widened slightly. It was a gorgeous black cat, almost blending in with the night itself.

✍︎ 𝙮𝙚𝙩, 𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙤 | Lee FelixWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt