HONSIM; the ghost of honda

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originally written on; january 26, 2022
the setting takes place in street fighter ii


it was a silent night, precisely almost 23:30, with the cricket sounds while the wind blows. everyone in india is sleeping with a well-deserved rest. sixty-seven-year-old kaihi & the android seth are sleeping peacefully before 23:00. they are the ones taking care of dhalsim and edmond honda, formerly honda's when he died from bronchial pneumonia. the former supreme sumo was only 81.

dhalsim felt very heartbroken when his husband is gone. so are almost all of the other street fighters who remain alive. the yoga master still remains meditating, but he can't stretch his arms or limbs like he used to. he can't breathe fire or perform his yoga flame or fire like he used to. everyone needed a well-deserved rest, and so is dhalsim. but without edmond honda, he felt like dying of heartbreak. poor dhalsim, didn't deserve what was happening to him.

dhalsim was only sleeping peacefully with the plush of his love. kaihi had it when she went back to her own time, now realizing that she now needs to make dhalsim feel better. for dhalsim, kaihi is the caretaker to take care of until the end. the yoga master cuddled with his plush, with no expression. kaihi prepared everything for dhalsim to sleep and wake up. for her, it was very hard for her to get back to her hours of drawing. she does love to help out with the chores. dhalsim sleeps earlier than kaihi & seth, so it's not that really bad.

while the clock strikes 00:00, there was someone out there in the room. it was so bright, that not even the sunrise is up. it was just light blue. dhalsim doesn't even wake up from it, not yet. not until there was a ghost of a loved one. it wasn't even about his parents but it was edmond honda. it's the ghost of edmond honda.

the yoga master woke up from the brightness, holding the doll with him. the view was blurry enough for him to see it well, while he covered the brightness from his face in his hands. he opened his eyes, now squinting from the brightness. he now saw a ghost of a man. heavy, muscular body, it was the young version of the edmond honda we all know.

— "dhalsim-kun, it's so good to see you again!" the ghost said with a smile.

the eyes of the yoga master widened, covering his lips from his hands. his eyes were watering in tears of joy? or was it the loss that dhalsim has dearly missed so much? it has been three months without honda, and the yoga master is crying about how much he misses honda.

— "darling..?" dhalsim asked in a desperate voice of sadness. "is that really you..?" dhalsim asked in the eyes of the ghost, sobbing. edmond honda smiled with a happy face, he was so happy to check up on dhalsim. for the sumo wrestler, all he wanted to do is look over him.

— "it's me." the ghost replied. "edmond honda."

but it was so strange for dhalsim. was he dead? was he dreaming about honda? was he really seeing the ghost of his own husband? he touched his face and his body, checking up on himself. he looked behind him, but he doesn't see himself dead.

— "but i don't understand.. am i dead..?" dhalsim asked, now looking at edmond.

— "oh, sim.." honda said as he touches dhalsim's soft cheeks on his face. "not yet, baby.."

— "i thought i'd never see you again, my love..." dhalsim said he kept crying onto his face, smiling.

— "you know, i'll always see you whenever you're ready to go." honda said. "i'll always watch you over, dhalsim kun.."

dhalsim kept crying in desperation. he missed edmond honda as much as everyone does. he couldn't move on from it because of the promise that they've kept together. but the promise was broken when honda passed away. dhalsim's heart is broken, and all he wanted was to be with edmond honda, forever.

— "please, darling. when will you come back..?" dhalsim asked while crying. "i really need to know, honda.. please.." he cried as he held the ghost's hand.

honda didn't know what to answer. he is already dead, and he can't come back to see dhalsim. his smile went downhill since dhalsim is upset, and crying. the sumo wrestler holds the yoga master's hands as he then kissed them gently.

— "i won't be back, darling.." honda replied. he felt so bad for leaving dhalsim due to his death cause. "but you know, i'll come back sometime to talk with you when midnight strikes." he said as he whipped dhalsim's tears away.

— "but how..?" dhalsim asked.

— "remember our promise?" honda asked.

— "yeah.. i remember that..." dhalsim replied while looking at the ghost's face.

— "i'll always stay with you until the end, i've made that never-ending promise to you." edmond honda replied, as he now sits down on the bed. "now you must make a promise for me."

— "what's the promise..?" dhalsim asked.

— "will you promise me to stay strong, even if i am gone? once you live your best years, let me know whenever you're ready. because i'll be waiting for you patiently."

dhalsim breathed in and out, looking at edmond honda's face. this is a chance for him to keep edmond honda's promise; to stay strong for him, and live his happy life with the people dhalsim cared for. this is the start of edmond's promise to keep.

— "always.."

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