
You creak open the next door, which leads you to another jumble of mess of a void. This time, no voices, but replaced with eerie violin music. Violin.. the- the sky was still flashing with memories, just in squares this time.. and they stay longer, about a good 3 seconds. They seem to be, normal memories. They don't seem to be so positive, but not so negative as they last few ones where a person was either crying or yelling in the memories.

And this time, the place had bright colourful items scattered around the void. They don't seem to be stable though, glitching in the floor and around the place every second. This wasn't as bad as the last door, but it was still a big eyesore nonetheless. You decide to walk around the place, trying to find the stranger or at least.. anyone to talk to.

While walking, you stumble across a crayon drawing. It was you! You didn't seem to be doing anything just standing.. looking beautiful as always. What you were more interested about however.. was the art style, it seemed to have been drawn by you? The simple stickman type of drawings are how you draw here, you don't bother actually working on your art style. At least it somewhat portrays something than you're fine, you rarely draw now. Because whenever you do, you'll miss HER.

The though of her makes you sad, so you continue on. Trying to forget about whatever you were thinking before. You walk onto another drawing a few feet away from the last one, this one had three people. They're all drawn with red crayon and they are crazy long stick people. They all had faces too. The shortest one (which looks like a child) is frowning, the second tallest is crying, and the tallest is mad. The tallest one wears glasses. You walk along.

You see many other drawings while walking around the place, before deciding to just follow the damn drawings since they seem to be leading towards somewhere like a path. There were some drawings that you had drawn before on the void of White space, others you don't recognise. Weirdly enough, not a single picture of Rainbow. Which is weird since she's always somewhere in your drawings..

You're speculation was right of course, as the drawings lead towards the last drawing.. a drawing of a window with curtains. It shows the view of a nice sunny day. Beside it reads;

'Lost in the confusion lies the roots of everything, the truth that you've locked away.. you must find it no matter what. Please do it, for the both of us'

Beside the words is a key. You pick it up, yay.


There's a hand on your shoulder. You hold the key close to you, as you use your dominant hand to check your pocket for your knife. It grabs onto your hand next! It might not want to fight..? Hopefully. You look at the person holding you.. only it wasn't a human, it was a disembodied hand. The hand was white in colour with a red outline, the hand leads till it's elbow before fading away. You could call it an arm.. but hand seems more appropriate in the situation. Who the hell grabs onto something with their
A R M.

You stare at in in disbelief, as it slowly loosens its grip on your left hand before petting your hat. Like a dog. Perhaps to.. not scare you? Just as you calm down, you bring your hand away from your knife pocket- it then drags you away by your arm- teleporting you back to Black Space. You were annoyed at first till you remembered about the key, then you were happy about the hand bringing you back. Thank you Mr Hand.


You enter another door, which leads you to a grim looking neighborhood. The place was eerily silent, with no background music whatsoever. The only sound being that of a clock on every house, which shows the same time.

"5:42" am supposedly

You walk across the silent road looking for Stranger, since he wasn't there at all in the last place you would really appreciate it if he appears here, it's just.. really.. eerie. Surrounding the houses are trees, some.. that are upside down? Upside down, grey leaved trees. How great. This is normal. The place itself seemed really uncanny.

ECLIPSE [A KREW X OMORI AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें