11 | Late Night In

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A sigh escapes my lips as I step out of my room into the quiet hallway; Eunseo left four hours ago with Hansol for the Christmas party. A party that happens a week before Christmas, I walk into the kitchen, turning the lights on.

I open the fridge and grab the bar of pepper jack cheese. I don't mind being alone; honestly, it's for the best. I pull a knife from the stand, cut thin slices of cheese, ten slices, and place them on a plate. Closing the Ziploc bag, I grabbed the ham and cut it into squares. Putting everything back in the fridge, I grabbed a water bottle before entering the living room and placing the plate and bottle on the coffee table. I turn the lights off in the kitchen after grabbing the sliced pomegranate and spoon.

I bite my lip as I turn the TV on. This is my chance to watch the Hannibal Lecter movies. The book was outstandingly good, and perhaps the film does justice to it. I press play on the movie, setting the volume at thirty-five. I clean my glasses and put them on; I sit on the carpet floor. I grab the spoon to start scraping gently at the pomegranate seeds, letting them fall into the bowl.

My eyes glanced back and forth at the movie and snacks as I hugged the brown sea lion plush, the blanket feeling softer and warm against my skin. I place a spoonful of pomegranate seeds in my mouth; the sweet bitterness fills me with ecstasy. This night feels peaceful, my phone sitting in my room away from distracting me.

Half into the movie, the doorbell rang, and I paused the movie in confusion. Eunseo said she was staying over at Hansol for the night, and I furrowed my brows as the bell rang again. I stand up, setting the plush and blanket on the sofa; I walk over to the door quietly. I carefully clicked on the screen to see who it was through the security camera. My heart jumped out of my chest. I could feel the heat in my cheeks rush through my face; I bite my lip as he rang the bell again.

Wonwoo...why is he here? I thought he would be out enjoying the party. Wonwoo rings the bell for the fourth time and my hand hovers over the lock. I am hesitant about this; he sighs briefly before turning on his heels. I unlock the door, opening it before he leaves, "Wonwoo?". He turned to look at me, "What are you doing here?" I asked. His cheeks were flushed red, and his nose, too. I look out the window; it's snowing. I looked at Wonwoo, but he remained silent, almost as if trying to process what was before him. I tilt my head in confusion, seeing him nearly lose his balance, "Wonwoo? What's wrong? Are...are you drunk?" I asked.

Wonwoo blinked slowly; his eyes were empty like. I grab his arms before he can fall backward, "Woah, okay," I said, pulling him close. I walk inside the apartment, "Wonwoo, if you're drunk, can you tell me how much you had?" I asked. But he was mute. His gaze was strange. He seemed lost, "Sit here," I said, pushing him gently on the couch. I let go of his arm, "Where's Soonyoung?" I asked. Wonwoo kept his gaze on me but didn't respond. I let out a small sigh; I walked into the kitchen, grabbing him a cold water bottle. I rush over to him as he tries to remain still, "Here, drink this." I said, opening the water bottle.

Wonwoo stares at the bottle with no thought in his mind; I place the bottle in his hands. "Wonwoo...drink the water, please," I said, hoping he was slowly sobering up; I waited for him to drink the water. Wonwoo brings the bottle to his lips; I get up and walk down the hall into my room. I grab my phone off the nightstand; I dial Soonyoung.

I walk into the living room and see Wonwoo placing the bottle on the coffee table; Soonyoung answers on the third ring. "Lizzy!?" His voice was filled with panic and worried, "Soonyoung, please don't tell me you're drunk." I said. Soonyoung sighs, "No, I'm not surprisingly. Listen, Lizzy, I lost Wonwoo in the crowd, and I can't find him." He says. I look at Wonwoo; he's probably confused. "Soonyoung, was Wonwoo drinking?" I asked; Soonyoung murmured, 'Excuse me.'

"Yes, which is why I'm worried. Wonwoo never drinks, and when he does, he's quiet, confused, and tends to wander off." Soonyoung says, he pants. I bite my lip and gaze at Wonwoo, "Um, Soonyoung, Wonwoo is with me." I said. Soonyoung stops. I assume he's running, "What? How?" He asked. I sighed, " I don't know, but he's here. He showed up out of the blue Soonyoung, and he's quiet. It's beginning to worry me; I've given him water and tried to get him to answer the obvious questions." I said. Soonyoung groans, "He's not going to say anything, god why did I let him drink." He says. I gasped and ran over to Wonwoo, seeing how he almost fell onto the coffee table, "What is it, Lizzy!?" Soonyoung's voice was faint.

I set my phone on the coffee table, "Yah, are you okay? Wonwoo...you almost face-plant into the coffee table." I said with worry. I could hear Soonyoung shouting, "I'll be there soon, Lizzy. Keep an eye on him!". I have Wonwoo sit back on the couch; his eyes begin to rolled back into his head. "Wonwoo," I said, holding his face in my hands, "Hey, what's wrong? I need you to tell me what's wrong,"  I said, scared. His eyes closed, and I let out a gasp-like breath. I blink away the tears; I begin to shake him lightly. "Wonwoo," I said, he didn't move. I could feel my heart pounding so loud against my chest.

"Wonwoo," I shook him lightly, and he fell to his side. His chest rising made me sigh in relief; I looked at the time. Eleven-forty, I exhale softly and lift his legs so they're on the couch. I remove his glasses and set them on the coffee table; I pick up the mess I had made before Wonwoo showed up. I walk into the hall and open the closet containing extra blankets, and I grab a dark plush blanket and a pillow from my bedroom.

I walk over to him, lift his head gently, and place the pillow under; the doorbell rings. Wonwoo stirs softly. I cover him with the blanket and walk over to the door. "Where is he?" Soonyoung asked; I hush him. "I think he fell asleep," I said, letting him in. Soonyoung rushed over to Wonwoo. "Gosh, I shouldn't have let him drink. He hasn't drunk alcohol in years, and tonight, I should've kept an eye on him," Soonyoung says as he rubs his face. I lock the door and walk over to him.

"It's not your fault; maybe he's had a long day of work and wanted to let loose," I said, looking at Wonwoo, fixing the blanket. Soonyoung smirks. "I bet you're enjoying taking care of him." He whispers, and I side-eye him. "Are you kidding me? I panicked the moment he passed out, and he almost faceplanted on the coffee table. He was stressing me..." I whisper yell at him, and Soonyoung giggles. "In a good way though." He whispers; I roll my eyes.

I placed the back of my hand against Wonwoo's forehead, "He's hot," I said. Soonyoung smirks even more. "Soonie, I'm serious. He's getting a fever," I said, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing a clean cloth. Running the cloth lightly under cold water, I see Soonyoung removing his coat. "He gets like this after drinking so much," He says, rolling the sleeves of his shirt. I grab the trash bin and place it next to the couch. I set the cloth on Wonwoo's forehead, "Do you have any fever medication?" Soonyoung asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Just Tynthenol," I said, pointing to the cabinet above the faucet. Soonyoung opens the cabinet, and Wonwoo sits up. I bring the bin up; Soonyoung sighs as Wonwoo pukes the alcohol he has consumed. "We can't give him any medication until the alcohol is fully out of his system," I said, looking at Soonyoung, "Bring those paper towels," I said. Wonwoo was still puking, and Soonyoung handed me the paper towels.

I rip two of them and use them to wipe Wonwoo's mouth, "You're practically babying him," Soonyoung says, crossing his arms. I give Wonwoo the glass of water, "Shut up," I said. Putting the bin down, Wonwoo finishes the water. I hand Soonyoung the empty glass, "Wonwoo...how do you feel?" I asked. He squints his eyes, "W...what's going on?" He asks. Soonyoung walks over to us, "You got drunk, dude; how did you stumble here?" Soonyoung asks. Wonwoo holds his head, "God...why does my head hurt?" He asked. I bite my lip, "Drinking alcohol does that, but you did almost fall on the coffee table." I said. Wonwoo looks at me; he seemed embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry," He says; Soonyoung laughs and smirks. "Oooh, don't be. Lizzy did an outstanding job taking care of you while I was on my way here," Soonyoung says. I look at Wonwoo with a smile. "I feel bad," He says; I shake my head. "Don't it's okay, it's a good thing I was awake when you came knocking. Otherwise, you would've gone off somewhere, and we wouldn't know where." I said. Wonwoo sighs and shakes his head; he tries to get up but only loses his balance. "No, you need to lie down and rest," I said, pushing him lightly onto the couch. Soonyoung chuckles. "You two can stay the night here," I said, walking into the hall again to grab more blankets.

Soonyoung sighed and looked at Wonwoo, "I don't mind at all." He says. Wonwoo rests his head on the pillow. "You two need to sleep. It's past midnight," I said, setting the mattress-like blanket on the floor; I pushed the coffee table toward the TV. I hand Soonyoung a pillow and blanket, "The trash bin is next to you," I said, walking into the kitchen. I pour two glasses of water and grab painkillers for headaches. "And here's the cups of water if you wake up feeling your mouth dry. Take these in the morning since there's still alcohol in your system." I said setting everything on the coffee table.

Soonyoung and Wonwoo exchange looks, "Now I'm off to bed," I said, picking my blanket and sea lion plush off the chair. "Sleep well," I said, turning the TV and the kitchen lights off; the only light source is the moon and Christmas lights outside the balcony. "Night," Soonyoung says, I wave at them.

What a night in.

POMEGRANATES AND TULIPS: Book 2 (Jeon Wonwoo)Where stories live. Discover now