Chapter Twenty six - Correction Course

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It was quiet for the rest the holidays, The Weasley didn't know what to make of my power. Yes they were thankful but they hadn't seen it before like Harry. It was this rare occurrence that happened like the perfect storm, not even I knew how to control. We were telling Hermione what had happened.

"It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky neither of you were killed. You have to realise who you are, Harry." she scolded

"I know who I am, Hermione, all right. We both do...sorry." we came acorss Lavender and Ron all sickening cozy.

"Excuse me, I have to vomit ." Hermione left us and I sighed walking on ahead


Ron was in the infirmary. According to Harry he had first been doused with a love potion meant for him and then a poison drink. Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I were at his bedside. He's been sleeping since we got here. Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Slughorn joined us.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using bezoar. You must be very proud of your student Horace." Dumbledore spoke.

"Hm? Oh, yes, very proud." Slughorn replied and I look up at him. He rests his hands on my shoulder given them a small squeeze

"I think we agree, Potter actions were heroic. The question is why were they necessary?" Professor M questioned and I saw Dumbledore turn.

"Why, indeed? This appears to be a gift Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle?" Dumbledore inquired looking at the bottles that was in Slughorns hands. "Which, by the way, possess subtle hits of liquorice and cherry when not polluted with poison." Dumbledore handed the bottle to Snape.

"Actually I had intended to give it as a gift myself." Slug horn stated

"To whom, might I ask?"

"To you, headmaster."

"Where is he? Where's my WOW-WON? Has he been asking for me?" came the whining tones of Lavender as she finally appeared after him being in the hospital for nearly two hours. She then noticed that Hermione was at his bedside. "What is she doing here?"

"I might ask you the same question?" Hermione stood up appalled

"I happened to be his girlfriend." she retorted. Although the way she acted it was more of a love sick jailer in love with a inmate. Or that she had been doused with love potion because she was obsessive.

"I happen to be his...friend." she shifted slightly

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's all interesting." did she really have the nerve to say that. Oh was she in for it.

"He's been poisoned you daft limbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting ." Ron started stirring which stopped the argument.

"Ah, see he senses my presence. Don't worry won-won. I'm here. I'm here." he starts mulling and at first I couldn't understand but then.

"Hermione. Hermione." he mumbled and My head shot up to look at Harry who was smiling like I was. Lavender ended up running off.

"Oh, to be young, and to feel loves keen sting. Well, come away, everybody. Mr Weasley is well tended to." Hermione took his hand and sat down on the bed next to him. They cleared out. I stood up

"About time." I commented to him. Ginny left with the teachers as Madam Pomfrey brought over a jug of water. Hermione looked up at our grinning faces.

"Oh, shut up."

"Just for the record. I ship Romione. Came on Harry." we left the infirmary and were making our way up the stairs.

"V. Look." he pointed to my brother going up a separate staircase. We followed him to the fifth floor where he disappeared

"I never really asked. Do you think your brother had become one of them?" he questioned me as I pulled him away.

"Yes. I do. Though he hasn't told me. I can feel it."


Ron was out of the infirmary and we all sat together at breakfast. I was drinking some juice while reading the Quibbler.

"Stop it Ron, you're making it snow." Hermoine stated and I look up at the little snowflakes on the table.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again?" Ron asked

"Um, well she came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked...I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation" she tried to lie

"I broke up with her for you." I stepped in. Hermione and Ron looked at me "Hermione's covering me because she thought you'd be mad. But I told her that if she was a girlfriend that came in between friends then she should leave. There was a argument and I won." there was a long pause.

"Thanks. Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It just she seems a bit put out." I look back at her

"Oh dear what a shame" I comment taking a sip of pumpkin juice

"So you don't remember anything from that night? Anything at all?" Hermione asked as the owls came in.

"There is something...But it can't be I was completely boggled wasn't I?" he denied shaking his head

"Right, boggled." Hermione's shoulders sagged.

I had been up to no good, and I was quite proud of myself. I had spoken to the twins and asked them for help. Causing mischief, back at school and jumped at the chance. On my behalf they owl'd Romelda vane sweets packed up nice and saying they were from Harry. I watched as she looked at the completely oblivious Harry and failing to notice me. She then had one.

Within minutes she was fanning herself due to high fever and then she broke out in boils. There was a commotion and the others turned to watch as Romelda freaked out over one of them popping. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Vega tell me you didn't." she gasped

"What? Wait are Fever Fudge? Why did you give Romelda, Fever Fudge ?" Ron questioned

"Because she tried to slip a love potion in my boyfriend, got you and then you got poisoned. She can't keep her skimpy paws off, I thought I'd teach her" She looked over this was and I blew her a kiss smirking.

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