Chapter Nineteen - Awkward

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I handed Harry a fresh handkerchief and took the bloody one away. He gave me a awkward smile


"A very good evening to you all. First off let me introduce the newest member of staff Horace Slughorn" we clapped as Professor Slughorn stood up giving a small bow.

"Professor Slughorn. I'm Happy to say has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile the post of defence against the Dark Arts will be taken by professor Snape." there were lots of muttering. Personally I was glad that he was taking over, it had gotten boring having a new teacher every year and after the last one Snape was welcomed and familiar face. You knew what you got with Snape, where you stood.

"Why are you all so gloomy?" I wonder "You know what your getting with Snape, to be fair after froggy he's a welcomed sight." they all stared at me as if I was mad

"You want a different teacher, teaching us with you-know- who gathering power? Or a member of you know what?"

"Now as you know each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, who, like you sat in this very hall, walked this castles corridors, slept under it's roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name Tom Riddle." people began muttering once more "Today of course, he's know over the world by another name. Which is why when I stand looking out upon you tonight I'm reminded of a sobering fact.

Everyday Every hour, this very minute, perhaps dark forces attempt to penetrate these castle's walls. But in the end their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now of to bed with you. Pip, pip." he eventually dismissed us all

"That was cheerful." Ron commented


The next morning, classes started and my first class was potions with the new or returning Professor Slughorn. To be fair he made a better first impression than any new teacher to the school or Snape, in my first year.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning." my eyes flickered to the door and two new arrivals in the form of my friend and boyfriend. Slughorn eventually noticed "Ah. Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see."

"Ron Weasley sir. But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace, actually. So I'm probably just gonna...." he tried to make a break for it but Harry stopped him. I got nudged by a scowling Hermione who gestured her head to Lavender Brown who was practically drooling over one of the boys.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out." I turned my attention away from Lavender to see which one she was eyeing. I think it was Ron.

"Sorry, sir. I actually haven't got my book yet, neither has Ron." Harry replied

"Never mind. Get what you want from the cupboard." I leant into Hermione

"She's eyeing up Ron like he's a piece of meat." I told her, which made her scowl even more. I shrugged and went back to focusing on the lesson.

"Now as I was saying, I prepared some conceptions this morning. Any idea what these might be?" he asked. Hermione and I raised our hands


"Black, sir Vega Black." I corrected he nodded for me to continue. I stepped forward "This one is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling concoction. The next would be Polyjuice potion or the beginnings of one, it takes a month to brew to full and useful potency. The last is Armotentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It rumoured that it smells different to each potion depending on what attraction. For example fresh air after a rainfall, ginger and butterbear..." I shook my head and returned to my best friends side.

"Well done. Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession." Four of the girls edged closer to the pot of it brewing "And for that reason, it is the most dangerous potion in this room." The Professor put the lid back on the cauldron.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one." Katie pointed out

"Ah yes. What you see before you ladies and gentleman is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly refers to as..."

"Liquid luck." Hermione stated

"Yes Miss..."

"Granger." Hermione answered

"Yes, Miss Granger. Liquid Luck. Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you'll find all of your endeavours succeed. At least until the effects where off. So this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable Draught of living death. Recipes for which can be found on page ten of your books.

I should point out however, only once, did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Neither the less good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence." we all took a cauldron and read through the instructions which might I add was anything but simple. You do anything to the ingredients it tries to run off.

"How did you do that?" Hermione asked and I looked up

"You crush it. Don't cut it." Harry replied

"No the instructions specific say to cut." Hermione retorted

"No honestly." I thought about it and took his advice, finally I got what I needed and moved onto the next. Eventually the hour was up and mine was nothing as it was suppose to be. Harry however had done it.

"Merlin's beard! It's perfect." Slug horn chimed "So perfect one drop would kill us all." I raise my eyebrow at him and caught his eye. He just grinned at me.

"As promised one vial of Felix Felicis. Congratulations, use it well." Harry was handed the vial and we clapped exhausted after trying to make one potion.

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