Chapter Nine - Underneath the mistletoe

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We each took it in turns defending ourselves and soon it was Christmas time, the Room had even given us a Christmas tree to celebrate and decorate before and after lessons. Neville even mastered Expaliarmus, which in itself was a great present and it gave him a confidence boost.

" So that's it for today's lesson." Harry started as the three of us stood with him addressing the others "Now we're not gonna be meeting until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work." The clapped and then gathered their things and left wishing us a merry Christmas.

I did the same. I knelt down at the board where we placed little notes and pictures reminding us why we were doing this and gathered my things together. I had been at the library before the lesson started.

"Are you okay? I heard Draco joined the inquisitorial squad." Harry asked me as I rose back up.

"I'm fine. It's just an adjustment, I've never gone more than a few days without talking to him in some way and now it's been months. Either way it's worth it. It has to be in the end right?" I give him a small smile "I never thanked you for telling me, about my father. You saved my life."

"We've saved each others." I glance up to see the room creating mistletoe above us and I look back to Harry.


"Probably full of Nargles." he commented making me laugh, just like he done once before he leant in, only now there were no distractions as I leant in as well. His lips touched mine and we kissed I looped my arms around his neck and his hands took my waist. For a moment everything felt like it stopped and then it sped up to normal once more as we pulled away.

"It's about time." I whisper making him chuckle.


I grabbed Hermione by the arm and dragged her up to the dorms and put a silencing charm around us.

"Vega, what is it?" she asked me

"Harry, kissed me." her jaw dropped "And I kissed back." I bit my lip. There was silence before she squealed slightly taking my hands with a broad smile.

"It's about damn time" Her hands moved up to my arms as I beamed at her.

"There's more..." she waited "He...he asked me to be his girlfriend." her eyes widened and she said nothing

"You're not mad are you? I know we're all friends but if you and Ron..."

"Ron and me" she crinkled her nose up at it and i rolled my eyes "No, I'm not mad. I'm happy, some of us have been saying it for years. Did you say yes?" I nodded in confirmation

"Then I'm happy."   


I was shaken awake and groaned coming around to the face of a concerned Hermione. I scowled in confusion.

"What's the matter?" I mumble rubbing my eyes and eventually sitting up

"Theres been a incident." she whispered looking back and then turning to me once more "Harry, the nightmares he's been having. According to Ron he just had another one this one Mr Weasley was attacked." That defiantly woke me up

"Is he okay, who attacked him?" I whisper back

"No one knows but neither him nor Harry are in good shape. Ron's just left and Harry's with Professor Snape." I got up and grabbed my robe "No you can't go after him." she told me

"Why not?"

"Because Dumbledore had given explicit warning not to interfere." I huffed in frustration and then went to sit down in the common room, if I couldn't go then I would wait. Hermione sat down next to me and eventually fell asleep. I however couldn't and it wasn't until the earlier hours did Harry return.

"Harry." I breath then carefully move Hermione and then stand up taking his hands "Hermione told me who heard it from Ron." He didn't speak he just hugged me and relaxed. I wrapped my arms around his sweaty self. I didn't say anything else, he just needed to be held so I did that.


We had broke up for Christmas, the Weasleys and Hermione had joined us for the holidays. Ornaments flew occasionally off the tree and around the room.

"Here we go." Mrs Weasley charmed bringing in Mr Weasley in a wheelchair. "Daddy's back." I clapped

"Now sit down, that's it. Presents." Mrs Weasley started handing out her her children first.

"And a nice big box for Ron." Mr Weasley smiled

"Big box for you." Mrs W chuckled then struggled with which twin was witch but just gave them their presents and they switched. She handed one to me and Hermione I opened it up, my first Mrs Weasley sweater with Hat and gloves to match.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley." I beamed at her and slipped on my jumper, finally I was missing out no longer and I needed a decent sweater.

"Let's clear this all away." I gathered up the wrapping paper and cleared it away "Harry. There you are." Mrs W scuttled past me with Harry's presents in hand then the drinks were poured out.

"A Christmas toast." Mr W declared "To Mr Harry Potter without who I would no be here. Harry."

"Harry." we copied

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