Chapter Thirteen - Weasley Magic sours

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All year fives sat in the great hall doing our theory of Charms examinations. For me, personally the examination was a welcomed sight. I could sit and focus all my energy into something I was good at. However I ended up being distracted when I heard banging coming from outside the hall. I looked back and then forward to Frog face. She scowled and toddled past us to see what was going on. The doors to the hall opened and in came fireworks. I beamed back at Harry.

Moments later the familiar cheering and tones of the twin came zooming into the hall as the cause more fire works but removed our papers sending them up into the sky

"All right professor!" the cheered. Despite my enjoyment at exams. I couldn't help but laugh and sheer at their display of rebellion. The were on their broomsticks and stopped clearly getting ready for something big, the choked something into the air and flew out. there were mini displays that turned into a great bight dragon face and chased Umbridge out of the hall. The next thing I heard was nearly the 150 proclamations covered in glass shattering before a brief moment of silence and ten all of them falling to the ground. I covered my mouth in shock.

All of us ran outside into the courtyard where they created the Wesley W in the sky. I whistled then clapped at the sight. Yet something in the air shifted and I turned around. Time slowed down as Harry dropped to his knees and I ran over to him doing the same and grabbing his arms.

"Sirius." was all that he had to say for my heart to sink. Hermione and Ron joined me and i helped him up. The four of us ran inside "Voldemort has got Sirius in the ministry and is torturing him." he added on

"Harry, are you sure?" Hermione questioned

"I saw it. It's just like with Mr Weasley. It's the same door that I've been dreaming about for months. Only i couldn't remember where I'd seen it before." Harry replied as we ran upstairs. "Vega you remember. Sirius said that Voldemort was after something he didn't have the last time and it's in the department of mysteries." he insisted

"Please just listen." Hermione stopped us "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"

"What if he is?" Harry retorted

"Hermione you don't get it. Sirius is all that we have left." I reply "Are we supposed to just let him die?"

"What do we do?" Ron asks getting on board

"We'll have to use the flu network." Harry answered as we took of running again

"But Umbridge has all the chimneys under surveillance." Hermione replied

"Not all of them." With a quick stop to change we then quickly made our way to Umbridges office. Harry used Ahlohamora to open the door. We entered and Harry activated the network

"Alert the order if you can." he told us

"Are you mental? We're going with you." Ron retorts

"It's too dangerous." I knelt beside him

"Get it through your thick skull. We're not leaving you. We're in this together." I glared at him, it baffled me that everything we've been through, him and I being together officially still hadn't registered that this is what both friendship and relationship was about, being together even when it got rough.

"That you are." oh crap, we'd been figured out


We had been restrained, Harry made to sit in the chair when my brother came in dragging Neville with him.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." he sneered

"Seriously, Draco? You're still siding with her?" I snap at my brother. He glanced over at me and i turned away in disgust as I was held by the arm by Goyle. Ginny and Luna had been brought in as well.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" she asked

"No" Harry answered and The bitch slapped him across the cheek. I struggled against being held .


"You sent for me headmistress." Snape arrived in his usual manner that he had better things to be doing like what, I had no idea. Umbridge stood straight pleased that he had arrived.

"Snape. Yes. The time has come for answers whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" she asked and answered.

"I'm afraid you've used up my stores interrogating students, the last of it on Miss Chang." he replied and I let out a breath. Cho had been under the influence of truth serum. It worked it's best when the subject didn't realise they had been drugged. "Unless you wish to poison him and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did I cannot help you." he turned to leave.

"He's got padfoot." Harry told Snape "He's god Padfoot in the place where it's hidden." Oh Harry you are a genius. And it was our luck that Snape worked for the order. He could get the message to them.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where is what hidden?" Umbridge questioned and Snape turned around "What is he talking about, Snape?"

"no idea." Snape lied and left

"Very well, you give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of ministry security you leave me with no choice. The Crutiatus curse ought to loosen your tongue." she threatened making me feel sick

"That's Illegal." Hermione voiced

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him" The Frog, Toad whatever you want to call her lowered his picture. I tried to think fast. Like hell would I let him be subjected to. She held out her wand and stalked ever closer.

"Tell her Harry." I cried out and she stopped turning to me, half an idea struck

"Tell me what?" she asked and Harry looked completely shocked and clueless. I looked at the others who had no idea what I was talking about.

"If you won't tell her where it is I will." I improvised to take her attention away from my boyfriend.

"Where what is?"

"Dumbledore's secret Weapon."

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