Chapter Two - Creature Comforts or not

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We were all called down for dinner, I jogged down behind the Hermione and Harry but in front of Ron.

"Well we'll be eating down in the kitchen." Mrs Weasley put on a brave smile just as the twins appeared behind and scared her.

"Oh just because you can use magic now. Doesn't mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" she scolded them. Ron and Ginny went on ahead as I waited with Hermione and Harry. "You hungry, Harry?" Mrs Weasley asked turning back into her smiling self

"You sure you're all right, Harry? You gave us quite a turn." Mr Weasley joined his wife.

"Harry Potter." I heard Sirius. Mr and Mrs Wesley stood aside and the two embraced.


Sirius sat at the head of the table, I sat next to him and Harry next to me. Across from us were Mr Weasley and Remus reading a letter.

"This is very, very peculiar. It seems your hearing at the ministry is to be before the entire Wizengamot." Mr Weasley voiced

"I don't understand. What has the ministry of Magic got against me?" Harry questioned and I bit my lip. Living in the muggle world for a couple of months out of the year left him oblivious to what people were now saying.

"Show him, he'll find out soon enough." Moody declared. From further down the table Hermione passed down the latest edition of the daily prophet. Harry read the latest.

"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well." Sirius tried to lighten the blow "Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned. Sirius explained


"Because the idiot thinks Dumbledore is after his job." I scoff

"But that's insane. No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore..."

"Exactly the point." Remus interjected "Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear. Now fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. The last time Voldemort was here he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned, and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth."

"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again." Sirius told him "Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command. And not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in." Moody cleared his throat.

"We believe Voldemort may be after something." Sirius continued despite Moody trying to warn him

"Sirius." Moody stated

"Something he didn't have last time."

"You mean like a weapon?" Harry inquired and before Sirius could say anything else. Mrs Weasley cut in.

"No. That's enough. He's just a boy." she came down resting a hand on his shoulder but not taking the paper away. "You say more and you might as well induct him into the Order."

"Good. I want to join. If Voldemort's rating an army, then I want to fight." Harry retorted. I saw Sirius gave a I told you so look and then a wink. Me? I raised my fist and he bumped it.

That evening I sat alone by the fire reading. Reading gave me more comfort in these past few months more than anything.

"No matter what is going on, I can always rely that I will find you reading by the fire." I look up to Harry who came and sat next to me

"And eventually you'll come and join me." I chime with a small smile we lapsed into a small silence.

"How long have you been here?" he wondered

"Since the day we last saw each other." I told him "When you told me that my father was one of the death eaters in the graveyard on you know who's return. I knew I wasn't safe anymore." I admitted

"I went to Professor McGonagall in tears and she spoke to Dumbledore. Who revived the order and their first act was protecting me. I've been here ever since."

"That's like two months." I nodded in confirmation

"Harry, we have a different understanding than the others do. You're not the only one in danger, your his main target but I am one as well. Imagine I had returned home, it would not have ended well. In the eyes of most of my family. I'm a traitor." I scoff "A blood...traitor because I have decent beliefs because I have the same beliefs as the Weasleys. I would have been tortured till I conformed or died."

"Your parents though..."

"My mother and brother follow my father and my father follows him? I would rather not find out what I would be subjected to. Besides I have had a proper chance to get to know Sirius, he calls us two peas in a pod." I beam "I may not like being separated from my family but it's better than the alternative." he nodded in understanding

"Besides in the two months I've been here, Sirius has been more of a father than my own ever was and the stories of when he and your Dad were in school." I start laughing making him smile. "Anyway enough about me, how about you? Except the almost suspension, dementors and zero letters how has your summer been?"

"Oh a barrel of of laughs yeah." he scoffed "It was the same as usual except it's been boiling."

"Well I made you something, all of us really." I pulled off a friendship bracelet and slipped it onto his wrist "Tonks brought me some muggle things to keep me occupied. I made one for each of us."

"Thanks." he toyed with it a little and I went back to reading. I must have fallen asleep and Harry must of carried me because when I woke up I was in bed.

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