Chapter Three - Return to a kind of Normalcy

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I had my things all packed for my return to school. I was under strict orders not to talk to my brother and for now, avoid him. That hurt but I knew why so I agreed.

"Two months seems like two days." I joked to Sirius who laughed "It feels weird going back, I'm not the same person when I left."

"You're a year older." he replied

"Not just that. I'm more of a Black than a Malfoy. even saying my last name hurts. Never did I think I would run away from my own family. Or that they would be a danger to me." I became teary eyed.

"I know the feeling. When I was your age I ran away from home, stayed with Harry's grandparents and his dad. But he taught me to look at who I am differently. We, Vega are exceptions to the rule. We're rare beings. In generations of our family it's only us to that have fought against our birthright in order of the greater good." I smile and he brought me into a hug. We stood there for a moment then let go.

"See you at Christmas." I say then leave for the train station


The transport of us handful of Order students was a mission with precision, to get us from Grimauld Place and onto the train. We were watched from the sky and the ground. Us students were in the middle of inducted Order members. I felt something brush against my hand and look down, for a moment looking up at me was Sirius in his dog form. I laughed smiling and stroked his head before he headed on and part Harry into a empty waiting room.

Since I had already said my goodbye, I was taken on ahead and through to Platform 9 3/4. We had our things loaded up onto the train and found a carriage. Harry eventually joined us and we pulled out of the station on our way back to Hogwarts.

Fifth years and above stopped in Hogsmead for transportation to the castle. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and was walking with the others when I heard my brother.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter. You better enjoy it while you can. I expect theres a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Harry went to attack Draco but was pulled back by Ron.

"What have I been telling you, sis. Complete nutter." his eyes fell on me but I didn't say anything

"Just stay away from me!" Harry yelled as Draco walked away

"It's only Malfoy. What do you expect?" Ron asks

"Yeah, it would have been weird if he hadn't of said something." I add freeing him from Ron and taking his arm "Come on." I guided him away and to the carriages. One was just leaving when we arrived.

"Hey guys." we heard Neville and greeted him. I let go of Harry's arm and he turned around

"What is it?" he asked and We all turn to see what he's questioning

"What's what?" Ron wondered

"That. pulling the carriages." Harry tried to clarify but personally I couldn't see anything.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry." Hermione answered "It's pulling itself like always." I glanced at Hermione and she did the same with me as Harry made his way around the carriage.

"You're not going mad." Came the wistful voice of Luna Lovegood "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." We all got into the carriage and sat down

"Everyone this is Loony Love." I elbow Hermione in the stomach and glared

"Luna Lovegood." I corrected my friends mistake "Hello, Luna." she was a forth year and a Ravenclaw. But she has a reputation for being weird. Not that I cared, I haven't really spoken to her much to call her a friend but I did like her quirkiness.

"Hello, Vega." she greeted back

"What an interesting necklace." Hermione commented bashful over calling her by the cruel nickname that was given to her.

"It's a charm actually...keeps away the Nargles" she lent forest telling Harry. "Hungry? I hope there's pudding." the carriage moved on.

"Do you have a spare copy, Luna?" I ask pointing to the Quibbler.

"Here." he lent down to her bag and pulled one out handing it to me. I smiled and thanked her opening it up.

"You can't be serious?" Hermione asked

"What? I'll have you know the Quibbler is the only one not printing absolute rubbish. It's refreshing." we made it to the castle and changed into our uniforms before headed to the welcome back feast. I was happy to be back here in the safe walls of school. Not that I minded Grimmauld Place but this was home.

"Good evening, children." Dumbledore began and we all became quiet. "Now we have two changes in staffing this year. We're please to welcome back Professor Grubbly Plank who'll be taking Care of Magical creatures while Professor Hagrid is on Temporary leave." my eyebrows furrowed at the news. Hagrid was never one to leave Hogwarts unless absolutely necessary, even then it hadn't interfered with his teaching.

"We also wish to welcome our new defence against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Delores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor Good Luck."

"She'll need it." I comment making my friends snicker in amusement.

"Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr Filtch has asked me to remind you..." the Professor stopped and turned around. Professor Umbridge rested her handbag on the table the stood coming out in front of Dumbledore. She wore this sickly Pink outfit with a hat to match.

"She was at my hearing." Harry told me and I glanced back at him "She works for Fudge."

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." she paused

"Not likely." The twins commented and I smirked a little.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young wizards and witches to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school." she inclined her head to Dumbledore.

"Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged." I clicked my tongue and sighed. Hermione looked back at me and I shook my head "Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." she gave this little giggle at the end then finally went back to her seat. Professor Dumbledore clapped and maybe about half of the school clapped as well.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That was most illuminating."

"Illuminating, what a load of waffle." Ron commented

"What does it mean?" Harry asked

"It means the ministry interfering at Hogwarts." I tell him

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