Chapter Twenty One - Harry's Weird

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For weeks, Harry carries this book around and it never leaves his sight and yet he never made a move to find out who this person was. Now we were walking through a snowy Hogsmead . Hermione not letting go that he had no looked into who the half blood prince was.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." he retorted to my best friend.

"Well it's true." Ron confirmed "I like a nice chat before bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's just like being with Hermione or Vega."

"Excuse you, I do not always take a book to bed and I value conversation over reading more, so shove that in your pipe and smoke it." I retort back at him with a small shove.

"Well we were curious, so we went to...."

"To the library" they cut her off

"And?" Harry wonders

"Nothing" I answer "Neither of us could find a reference anywhere to a Half blood prince. Actually it irritated Hermione that much she was about to go into the restricted section in front of a teacher."

"There we go, that settles it then." Harry made the subject drop.

"Filius!" we heard the dulcet tones of Professor Slughorn "I was hoping to find you in the three broomsticks,"

"No, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid Horace." that was clearly a lie from Professor Flitwick. who left as subtly fast as he could,

"Does anyone face a butter beer?" he asked taking my hand and leading me on ahead. I guess we were all going for a drink then. Not that I would have turned it down the first time. The four of us entered the Three broomsticks. Ron went for a seat.

"Not there, over here." Harry insisted then pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. Ron and Hermione sat across from us. Something was defiantly weird. Harry was acting stranger than usual. We ordered our drinks and then I noticed my brother but looked away.

"Oh bloody hell." Ron huffed turning around and scowling. I look over to where he had just been looking. "Slick git." Ginny was on the other side of the room clearly on a date with Dean.

"Hostly Ronald they're only holding hands." he looked back , only now they were kissing/

"Scratch that, now their kissing. Dean got moves." I chuckle

"I'd like to leave." Ron requested

"What? You can't be serious." Hermione scoffs

"That happens to be my sister.|" he snapped back

"So? What if she looked over here ands saw you snogging me? You'd expect her to leave?" Hermione retorted as our drinks were brought over.

"Do it!" I cheer, If Harry and I were obvious about our liking for each other then so were they. They glared at me as Harry waved.

"Hey, my boy." Slughorn came over making my eyes narrow.

"Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you." Harry and Slughorn shook hands as I shared a confused look with Ron and Hermione

"And you, and you."

"So what brings you here?" Harry wondered

"Oh the three broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was one broomstick" Professor Slughorn joked, badly I might add. His drink spilled over Hermione. "All hands on deck Granger. Listen my boy, in the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. Would you be game?" he wondered.

"I'd consider it a honour, sir."

"You'd be welcome too. Black and Granger" he then turned to us as we were drinking.

"I'd be delighted, sir." we agreed.

"Splendid. Look, for my owl. Good to see you, Wallaby." I snorted and covered my mouth. Harry sat back down and Slughorn left.

"What you playing at?" Ron questioned his best friend. He looked at each of us before answering.

"Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him." he told us as I drank some of my butterbeer

"Get to know him?" I inquire

"I don't know. It must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask." he wiped the corner of my mouth with his napkin

"You, got a little." I turned to Ron who was pointing it out on Hermione


We were returning back to the castle, when I threw a snowball at Hermione, she squealed and threw one back. I hid behind Harry laughing. That was until there was a scream, we stopped short.

"I warned her not to touch it." Katie and her friend were in front of us and now Katie was on the floor. She jolted about and was lifted up into the air, arms out mouth open like she was screaming, only there was nothing. She then dropped to the floor.

"Don't get any closer. Get back all of you." Hagrid arrived seeing what was going on. Harry and I went over to what Katie had in her hand "Do not touch that, except for the wrapping do you understand?"

"Wingardum Leviosa." I cast and the cursed object raised into the air. We all returned to the castle and to professor McGonagall who had been alerted.

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