Chapter Eighteen - Diagon Alley or at least it was

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We had all gathered for the opening the the twins shop in Diagon alley. Now eighteen and leaving school earlier they used the money that Harry gave them from winning the tournament to move their school business into the the streets. whizzbangs floated around

"Step up! Step up!" They called

"We've got fainting fancies!"

"Nosebleed nougats"

"And just in time for school Puking Pastiles!" They flitted about the shop interacting with customers. Hermione, Ginny and I explored and found that the had a made mini bottles of love potions.

"Hello Ladies." the greeted us

"Love potions eh?"

"Yeah they really do work. Then again the way we here it sis, you're doing just fine on your own." The twins teased their sister.

"Meaning?" Ginny asked

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

"It's none of your business." she left with a smile on her face. I headed over to Harry and wrap my arms around him as he took my waist. We watched as Ron tried to by something from his brother hoping to get a discount. Funnily enough the price got raised.

"Come on, let's go." he told us and the four of us let into the quiet and mostly derelict Diagon Alley. It had been reported that Death Eaters had gone through here leaving nothing but empty shell buildings.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the alley's closed down?" Hermione shook her head baffled

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron voices as we walk down.

"I reckon he's right." Harry added and I stopped

"Oh no. Everyone got their wands from Olivanders." I stepped up and opened the door to the old burnt out shop

"Vega." Ron called me over and I came "Is it me or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" he asked me as I watched them slink off down knock turn alley. I leave the shop curious as to what they were doing and followed. I watched them go into a shop and one of the top lights turned on. Needing to know what was happening I climbed to get a vantage point, being the good friends and boyfriend they followed. I briefly saw my mother kiss Draco's cheek and then a figure steeped back towards us in front of the window. We ducked mack making one of the roof tiles smash to the floor. When we peeked back up the blind had been closed.


-3rd Person-

The four were now on the train to Hogwarts Vega legs were crossed and her head rested on the window. The topic of debate. Her brother.

"So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet?" Harry asked "And who were all those people. Don't you see it was a ceremony, an initiation."

"Stop it Harry." Hermione scolded and gestured to his girlfriend sitting beside him "I know where you're going with this."

"He's one of them." Harry insisted

"One of what?" Ron questioned

"Death Eater." Vega sighed and looked to everyone "He's a death eater. They've made him one of them."

"You've got to be mad. What would you-know-who want with a sod like your brother?" Ron asked not believing it.

"Right of passage, coercion, had a thought one day, who knows. Either way I doubt he was shopping for furniture in knockturn alley." She drawled

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron shrugged

"Hermione you saw it with your own eyes." I sigh.

"I told you, I don't know what I saw." Vega rolled her eyes. Harry kissed her head and stood up grabbing something off the overhead storage.

"I need some air" he left the three of them


The train arrived some time later and I came out of the carriage looking both ways confused.

"Where's Harry?" I wondered

"He's probably already on the platform. Come on." Ron replied and the three of us got off. Harry wasn't on the platform, as far as I could see, then Hermione suggested that he would be there when we got in. So we took a carriage up to the school and changed into our uniforms before going to dinner. Dinner was served and he still hadn't shown up. I was getting worried.

"Don't worry, he'll be here in a minute." he told me yet again as he stuffed his face

"You said that a hour ago." I grumbled toying with my jelly. Hermione however hit him with her book.

" Your best friend is missing." she stressed

"Oi, turn around you lunatic." I turned to the entrance, Harry came in with a bloody nose.

"He's all bloody? Why is he always bloody?" I sigh

"Looks like his own." Harry sat down next to me holding a already stained bloody cloth to his nose. It looked sore.

"Where have you been? What happened to your face?" I questioned

"Later. What have a missed? Is that mine?" he wondered painting to the plate of food I did for him."

"Yes." he took it with a grateful smile

"Sorting hat urged us all to be brave and strong during this troubled times. Easy for it to say, huh? It's a hat, isn't it." Ron made conversation

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