Chapter Twenty Five - Not everything is easy

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-3rd Person-

Malfoy and Snape left the party arguing once they were out of earshot of the guests including Vega.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe, I didn't. What's it to you?" he sneered at his head of house. Snape shoved him into a wall.

"I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow." Snape retorted

"I don't need protection. I was chose for this. Out of all the others. Me. And I won't fail him." what they didn't realise, was that during this conversation, Harry was listening in and hearing everything.

"You're afraid, Draco. Tell me was it a bargain you do this and she does not come to any harm?" Snape figured it out as Draco couldn't hide his expression. "You attempt to conceal it but it's obvious. Let me assist you."

"No! I was chosen. This is my moment." Draco stormed off


We were on the train home for Christmas. I was with Hermione we had just nipped to the loo and we arrived back at our carriage to see a message for Ron on the door. R+L in a love heart. Hermione stormed off seeing this.

"Hermione!" I call. Following after her. I found her crying again and I comforted her. One of these days I would rangel Ron's neck.

Back at the burrow, Christmas celebrations were in full swing. I pulled a Christmas cracker with the twins and out came a sling.

"You two did that on purpose." I pointed at them

"Vega, come here sweetheart." I left them and Molly handed me a plate "Will you take these into the living room"

"Sure." I took them as Remus and Tonks walked away from Harry and Arthur. I sat down next to Harry. Arthur left us alone.

"Here." I took a mince pie and held it out. He opened his mouth and I fed it to him. Ron sat where his father had been and offered Harry another pie.


The dinner was really good and everyone practically had a good time. I had got to change into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before heading to my bedroom. Harry was sat on the stairs.

"Were you relaxing or waiting for me?" I wonder with a small smile.

"Both. Realised that I had forgot to give you this earlier." he handed me a present.

"Happy first year." I took it from him and I opened it it was a album of pictures and moments since coming to Hogwarts, there was a section on our relationship.

"Harry, I love it. My one for you is in my room. Merry Christmas, Harry."

"Merry Christmas, Vega." just as we were about to kiss something bright and rumbling happening outside distracted us. We looked out of the window to see a ring of fire and then black mist. That then made the form of Bellatrix. I dropped the album and took off running. Harry on my heels . We shoved our way past the adults.

"Harry! Vega! No!" We followed Bellatrix

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" she chanted as we ran through the tall grass "You coming to get me? Harry and Baby V are you coming to get me?" she cackled and we stopped hearing her. I put a finger to my lips and listened. I hear snapping and I ran off and into a bog.

"Where are you?!" I yelled and turned around quickly a blackness descended and it was the man from Borgin and Burkes. he snarled at me

"Stupefy!" I yelled and he flew off. Harry joined my side. he pulled me out of the bog

"Harry! Vega!" I heard Remus calling our names just as I saw hexes coming our way. I blocked them as did Harry. Remus and Tonks ran over to us.

"You shouldn't have come. My Aunt is mine!" I sneered "Show yourself!" there was a black mist that rose up and then a blast. Our heads snapped over to the burrow which went up in flames.we came out as it was burning and I felt the same power I did in the ministry.

--3rd Person-

Vega dropped her wand as she started to convulse. Harry noticed what was happening

"V!" they all turned to her as she screamed holding out her arms a bright white light surrounding and the wind picked up pulses of magic rippled from her blowing out the fire and smoke that came with it. Vega shot up in the air and slowly spun as the others watched on in shock. before she dropped to the ground unconscious. 

What vega had done was stop the fire and repair the damage in her Gemini state before passing out at the over whelming out of power she couldn't control. They took her inside and a few hours later she woke up on the sofa.

"Ugh." she mumbled. Harry and the Wesley's jumped up seeing that she was going around "My head is thumping." she was helped to sit up and she stared at all of them

"It happened again didn't it. The power of the Gemini?"

"Yes, sweetheart. It did." Molly gave her a sad smile

"What did I do?"

"You actually restored the fire and repaired the house." Arthur told her "Thank you by the way."

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