chapter forty-three

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"What were you doing with Cedric on that day?"

Verena looked at her friend, smiling, and she burst into laughter. Cho looked at her, unamused, waiting for an answer. Verena's laughs died down but still smiled as she looked at her friend. For someone whose reputation was smart and sweet, Verena did not know she had an envious side to her.

"I've been waiting to ask, but... well, with everything going on... "

"Cedric bumped into me after he left your tent," Verena explained. "He was telling me all about you and how good of a friend you are – this and that."

"Oh... really?" Cho asked, blushing. "What else did he say about me?"

"I guess you won't ever find out," Verena smiled, and she walked out of their compartment.

"Wait, Verena!" Cho called. "Tell me, please?"

"He said you were kind and an incredible Seeker," Verena said, laughing. "You must really like him."

"Who must really like who?" said the voice belonging to Cedric. "Hey, Cho."

"Cedric," Cho greeted nervously.

"I'm going to hunt down the trolley witch," Verena said, winking at them.

Verena chuckled to herself. Cho was blushing madly, going especially red with the help of her makeup. She was sure Cedric could see it.

"Excuse me," Verena called as she approached the trolley witch.

"What can I get for you, my dear?" she asked.

"Um... one pumpkin pasties and... two bars of chocolates," Verena requested. "Oh! And a cauldron cake... and, no, never mind that."

"Here you go, dear," she said as they made the exchange.

"I'll take a cauldron cake," said the boy peeking his head out of the doorway. "Thank you."

"Potter," Verena greeted as she looked into their compartment. "Weasley... Granger."

"Oh... um, do you want this?" Potter asked, handing her the cauldron cake. "I actually don't know why I got it."

"Um, sure, thanks," Verena said with a small smile.

"I see you like chocolate," Potter said after noticing that half of her items were chocolate.

"I think Professor Lupin really got me addicted to them," Verena said sheepishly.

"Don't you have your own money to buy a cauldron cake?" said Weasley, who had heard her ordering.

"Don't you?" Verena remarked. "I expect Potter will be buying you things for a while now. Didn't your father pay a large amount for your tickets in the Top Box?"

"Will you kick her out, Harry, or will I?" Weasley growled.

"Honestly, Ron!" said Granger, annoyed. "You're being so provocative, no wonder she's mean back."

"I can't believe you're defending her!" Weasley exclaimed. "She's called you a Mudblood! She's friends with Malfoy for goodness sake!"

"I'm not defending her," Granger argued. "I'm just saying— "

"My God," Potter muttered, groaning.

"You know, Weasley, I don't like to insult others for my amusement," Verena said, glaring at him. "To me, it's a waste of time, however, the only exception I have is you."

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