chapter thirty-nine

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Verena had never known what true loss was until now. She's lost Quidditch matches, bets, and friends, but never had she experienced death.

It happened on a Sunday. Verena and Damien had spent the day with their mother, shopping for new school supplies. They had gone on a shopping spree, which surprised the children. Not only did they each get Firebolts, but Damien got everything he asked for – including rare jewels – and Verena had gotten auburn highlights in her hair. They didn't understand why they were getting treated then – they believed it was for their good marks in their exams.

When they had gone home that day, it was near dinner time. Verena was putting all her things away, beginning to pack her luggage for Hogwarts already. It wasn't until she had another vision that she felt something was wrong.

Practically running, Verena had run downstairs, panicking. She rushed to find her mother, but she was not in her chambers. She searched the second floor fast, then ran to the dining room. When she had finally gotten there, she paused. A bottle was lying on its side, spilling onto the floor. As she crept around the table, she saw a hand. There, on the ground, just like in her vision, was her mother.

"Mum!" Verena cried, kneeling beside her. "Mum? What happened? Mum?"

Verena had pulled her mother into her arms, crying over her mother's body.

"Damien!" Verena yelled. "Get down here! Fen! Anya! Please, someone! Mum... "

Silas had come home at that very moment. Hearing the cries of his daughter, he rushed towards the voices, Damien meeting him in the dining room. Both of their hearts dropped at the sight they saw.

Verena was holding her mother tightly as Anya tried calming her. Fen had just confirmed her fears, and she was at the table, examining the bottle.

Damien ran to his sister, kneeling beside his mother. Carefully, he pulled Verena away from Duvessa's body, and he wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest. He was too stunned to speak or say anything to comfort his little sister. Tears were forming in his eyes as he stared at his mother's lifeless body.

"What – what happened?" asked Silas to Fen.

"I believe she was poisoned, sir," Fen explained in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry... she's gone."

"No," Silas muttered, shaking his head. "No! Dove... "

Silas had banged his fists against the table. Suddenly, he broke out into tears. It was the first time Verena and Damien had ever seen him cry so much.

The following week was the hardest for the Salvador family, which was reduced to three members. Silas wanted to keep the family tragedy quiet, only known to family and their closest friends, but the Daily Prophet had other plans. They knew about Duvessa's passing almost as soon as it had happened. By Wednesday, the entire wizarding world was given the news and the family would have reporters lined up outside their home, wanting a quote.

On Thursday that morning, one undercover reporter had come to their home supported by Barty Crouch, Silas' colleague in the Ministry of Magic. The reporter was smart in tagging along with Crouch for Silas had let them in.

"I hope things are going well," said Crouch with a small smile. "How are you doing?"

"All right," Silas replied in a monotone.

"And the children?" he asked. "How are they... coping?"

"They're... coping," he replied slowly. "It's been hard."

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