chapter eight

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The most exciting event of the year: Salvador's Christmas Event. Every year, the family would host their famous party near Christmas and New Year's, inviting all the respected pure-blooded families.

Verena was always excited about the party. She was practically skipping her way to the train back to King's Cross. Christmas had always been her favourite holiday. She loved to help her mother decorate the venue, and she loved all the gifts that came along with it.

Damien, on the other hand, never really enjoyed such festivities. From a young age, he knew that it was all so his parents could set him up with a girl to marry in the future. It was the one thing he despised about his duty as heir. And he'd never admit it to his parents, but he found it a burden to be the one having to uphold the Salvador name.

"Change my grade," Damien pleaded. "This term wasn't all too great for me."

"Perhaps if you'd stop snogging Richmond in your free time, I would," Daphne remarked.

"Don't do anything for him," Verena said. "Lord knows what our parents would do if they found out he changed his grades again."

"Again?" Daphne questioned.

"Are you really that surprised?" Damien asked, earning a smack in the arm from Daphne.

"Can't wait for your party," said Draco, joining them. "It's always... fun."

"I could do without the dancing though," Daphne said. "All the waltzing, the quadrille – it's like we're back in the 1800s."

"Old-fashioned family, remember?" Verena reminded her. "Anyway, I find it exciting. You all should come early this year and help decorate. This year, it'll be outside. We got the traditional lighting ceremony."

"Yes, we get it," said Damien. "You love the party."

Verena noticed her brother's recent change in attitude toward special events like these. He used to be so excited. He liked flirting with the girls, even at such a young age. He loved receiving presents, especially if they revolved around Quidditch. But since last year, Damien had become uninterested.

When the train stopped at their destination, their mother greeted them. She had missed her children dearly, and she had grown concerned about her daughter. She had to be filled in on everything.

"Welcome home," Duvessa smiled as they entered the mansion.

"Where's Father?" asked Damien.

"Ministry business," Duvessa replied. "I can assure you that he will be home for dinner."

Decorations had already been put up. Lights were strung up throughout the corridors, wreaths on almost every door, and beautifully constructed garlands wrapped around the stair railings and archways. The entire mansion was light for a change.

At dinner that evening, the four Salvadors sat at the table. The room was lit with many candles and lights around the room. And in that light, the four individuals ate in silence. Not a word was muttered, only the sounds of their forks and knives clattering against plates bounced off the stone walls.

This was considered normal for the family. They usually ate in silence, only making small talk unless it were the parents who spoke first. During Damien's first years at Hogwarts, their parents would always ask him how it was, or how proud they were of him. Verena expected the same as it was her first few months at school, however, nothing much was said.

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