chapter thirty-two

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry," said Damien. "I've been such an arse to you."

"That day, I wanted to tell you everything," Verena explained. "I wanted to tell you that you weren't alone in those feelings of pressure... If I told you then, maybe we could have helped each other. You would stop drinking."

"I'm all right now," Damien assured. "Daphne's been trying to knock my head on straight. I think it's time to give her a break... No more drinking."

"Smoking?" Verena questioned.

"That's the bad thing about smoking," said Damien sheepishly. "It's hard to stop. Why... why did you tell me now?"

"I didn't want to keep this awkward tension between us," Verena replied. "And Daphne is wise with her words."

"She's very persuasive," Damien commented.

"But also, it's your first game of the season," Verena said. "Maybe you'll play better now that we're on good terms again?"

"No one's told you?" Damien said, surprised. "Have you not spoken to Draco yet?"

"No... " Verena said slowly. "I'm still upset with him. I opened my heart to him about the Dementors and then he makes fun of Potter all the time. He's more concerned about ruining his life than staying friends with me. In fact, he hasn't spoken to me since."

"He thinks you don't want to talk," Damien told her. "And he's probably wise. Flint gives him a hard time you know. With his injury, it took him out of practice. He says he'd better be ready to play once it heals. I practice with him sometimes... He gets frustrated with his injury on the pitch. It doesn't help that he's angry at you for not talking to him.

"We're not playing Gryffindor," Damien added. "Draco says it's his injury, but I know the real reason. Without practice, he won't catch the Snitch. And then Flint will go mad, making him go mad, making me go mad, and then I'll have to step in.

"There are times that I see him sitting in the common room with his friends. He usually leads the conversations, right? Well, he just sits there, distracted. Daphne knows something's on his mind – she says he looks like me when I smoke. She'd ask, but she's not as close with him as the others are."

"Is there some message behind that lengthy explanation?" Verena asked.

"I think you know, Verena," Damien said knowingly. "Go and talk to him, all right. This year, we've all been falling apart, and you know why? You're the glue keeping us all together."

"Actually, that's Daphne," Verena said with a small smile.

The bell rang, signalling the end of break. The two parted ways, Damien having to rush to get to Arithmancy. Verena took her time to get there. She didn't think Professor Lupin would mind if she happened to be late. She could make up any excuse and he'd let it slide. Professor Lupin was very kind to her – abnormally kind to her. Though Verena was with the Slytherins when they made fun of him – and Professor Lupin knew this – he was still fond of her. Even the other students thought it was weird, especially because she was of pure blood and born from a family of Slytherins. He was, well, the opposite.

Then, from the window, she saw Potter dashing into the castle. She didn't know why she stayed in the corridor – she hadn't even realized she had slowed her pace until Potter had appeared.

"Why are you running?" Verena asked him, and he turned around, walking backwards.

"We'll be late," Potter told her.

"Professor Lupin will let it slide, trust me," Verena said.

"He is very nice to you," Potter figured. "Think he'll let it slide for me, too?"

"Is that even a question, Chosen One?" Verena said with a small laugh.

Potter chuckled, too, and he suddenly tripped over his feet, falling onto his bum. Verena laughed and she walked toward him, holding out her hand to help him.

"Note: don't let Harry Potter walk backwards or else he'll make a fool of himself," Verena said playfully. "Great at flying, not so much walking."

"Note: tripping gets Verena Salvador to smile," Potter said back with a small smile of his own.

As he stood, Verena found herself having to look up to him. Standing so close to him, she forgot how tall he had grown. She took a step back and the two started heading to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Unbeknownst to them, from around the corner, Draco had seen them. He had watched as Potter fell, and he was going to approach them, but he stopped himself. He had watched as Verena helped him up, smiling. He scowled at Potter, and deep down, he hated seeing that it wasn't him who made her smile.

Verena and Potter walked down the corridor, nearing the door of the classroom. Neither of them realized it, but he had begun walking slower and Verena had slowed down to his pace. Potter was stealing glances at her. He had rarely seen Verena Salvador smile. It was a pretty smile.

"By the way, why were you running into the castle so late?" Verena asked. "You're usually there with Granger and Weasley early."

"Wood's been giving me tips for the match tomorrow," Potter explained with a sigh. "We've had to change our entire play now that it's Hufflepuff we're going against."

"Diggory is a good Seeker," Verena said.

"Is Malfoy even injured still?" Potter asked.

"Probably not," Verena replied. "But Damien said he hasn't gotten practice with one arm, and Flint will go mad if he doesn't catch the Snitch this year. Not everyone can be a one-handed Seeker like you, Potter."

"Honestly, it's all luck," Potter said. "I was even surprised, but I guess – maybe – the universe balances things out. Malfoy's a prick, so... I know he's your friend, but I'm not sorry."

"I don't expect you to be," Verena responded. "He's been a jerk this year, but... I still have hope."


"You Gryffindors – everyone – misunderstands us – Slytherins," Verena said slowly.

Verena thought to herself. Maybe she misunderstood Draco. Maybe he had a reason for always teasing Potter besides the difference in status. Maybe Damien was right and Draco did want to talk to her.

Potter opened the door, letting Verena walk in first. She playfully made a snarky comment and Potter rolled his eyes, following her inside.

"Sorry we're late, Professor Lupin. I— "

Verena stopped, Potter almost bumping into her. The one time she was late and Professor Lupin wasn't present. She knew who it was before the teacher even looked up. It wasn't Professor Lupin, it was Professor Snape.

"This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," Professor Snape said. "Sit down."

Verena groaned with displeasure as she took a seat, getting glares from the other Ravenclaws. They had been wondering where she had gone, but once she entered the doors, they wished she would have skipped the class.

"Where's Professor Lupin?" Potter asked, still standing.

"He says he is feeling too ill to teach today," said Professor Snape with a twisted smile. "I believe I told you to sit down?"

Potter stayed where he was and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing life-threatening," he said, though he looked as though he wished it were. "Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty."

Potter walked to his seat and sat down. Professor Snape looked around at the class. Thus, a spontaneous and boring lesson had begun.

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