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I slowly arise from my slumber, rolling over to an empty bed. I force myself to get up, and I search the house for Bellamy, finding him nowhere.

I call his phone, going straight to voicemail. I sigh, weird.

I get ready for my lunch with Daniel, just a casual catch-up lunch. Nothing else.

I take an extra long shower, and dress as nicely and casual as possible; to cover up my sleepless eyes and dark circles. I guess I just knew Bellamy wasn't there, all the tossing and turning. Something is not right, or wasn't right, I don't know.

After cleaning around the house and finishing getting ready, I leave a note for whenever Bellamy returns and head to the best italian restaurant in town.

I head in, smiling and happy, searching for Daniel. I saw his car out front so I know he has beat me here.

I head to the corner, my hand waving," Goodmorning."

" Is it true?" He asks, looking up at me, anger in his eyes.

" Is what true?" I ask, slowly sinking into my chair.

Daniel looks around and whispers," Are you pregnant?"

I gasp," No? Why would you ask me that?"

" Your pyschotic ex just showed up and caused a huge scene. He threatened me, Clarke."

" Bellamy? What are you talking about?"

He shakes his head," He found an ultrasound in your purse, and he was beyond pissed; almost punched me."

I pick up my purse, looking through it. I laugh," This isn't my purse?"

" What do you mean?" He asks.

I pull out a check book, and a wallet," These aren't mine."

" Clarke-"

"-This isn't my purse, Daniel, I'm not pregnant."

" You sound crazy."

" This is my chapstick..." I open the top, looking at the mess inside,"...Actually, it's not."

Daniel laughs," So you're not pregnant?"

" Yes, I already told you that, don't you think I would know? I can't get pregnant."

" I know it's not the right timing, but-"

"-No, Daniel, I never told you this, I can't get pregnant."

He sighs," Wow, are you sure?"

" Yes I'm positive. Now you know I'm not pregnant. Daniel."

He breathes," Why haven't you ever told me this?"

" We never talked about kids."

" We were pretty serious, Clarke, we lived together, we were starting a future together."

" I know, but it's not something that ever came up."

" You need to figure this out, Bellamy is going nuts and it's your fault."

I groan, grabbing the purse," My life is so complicated."

He laughs," Uh, call me later?"

I roll my eyes," We'll see."

I leave the restaurant, getting a text from Octavia:

We need to talk ASAP

I head towards O's house, hoping Bellamy is going to be there and I can settle things.

I get a call, from Karen, and I answer pleasantly," Goodmorning, Karen, how are you?"

" How fast can you make it to the hospital? I'm heading out of town right now and I was just called that Bellamy was sent in earlier this morning."

" Uh, yeah I can, I'll be there. I'm not far from the hospital."

" Okay, thank you, I told Octavia but I guess there's something going on with them, but when is there not? I knew I could rely on you, Clarke. You're always there for Bell, I really appreciate it."

" Yeah, no problem, Karen. I wouldn't want it to be any other way"

" Thank you, Clarke." She hangs up, and I pull into the hospital parking lot, finding a spot quickly. I get out of the car, rushing inside. I run into someone, dropping my phone and bag.

I was about to text Octavia, wondering why she's acting like this, but I was interrupted.

I look up, seeing a frightened Karen in front of me.

" I thought...Karen? What are you doing here?"

She sighs," It's a long story, and this isn't the place."

We slowly rise, and I touch her arm," Karen, is everything alright?"

She looks away," Bellamy needs you more than I do right now."

I shake my head," He can wait, honestly, trouble maker he is."

She breathes," I will fill you in later."

" Were you here for him?"

" No." She says, gently.

" Tell me, you can trust me, Karen. Look, whatever it is, it's hard to share, obviously. I'll be practice before your children."

She sighs," I'm sick." She confesses, dropping her head and frowning.

" Sick? Sick how?"

" I have cancer, Clarke."

" Karen..."

She nods, wiping a tear," I have to go, dear. Thank you." She rushes off, and I head up towards the hospital.


Major bomb blasted

I bought two huge books a while ago and I STILL haven't read them yet, I realized I have an addiction with buying books and never reading's kinda depressing.

So guys, read a book for me


Graduates (MWH2) (bellarke fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz