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I make it to my place first, I lost Bellamy somewhere in traffic and I sped home.

I head inside quickly, tidying up all the empty boxes and random take out food bags scattered across my living room. I haven't had the time to clean up, nor make myself an actual quality dinner.

I change out of my dress and put on some casual dark jeans and a simple white v-neck, also Bellamy's favorite shirt.

I look into the mirror, on my dresser, playing with my hair. I can't remember if he liked it up in a loose, messy bun or curly down my back.

I apply some chapstick, and head into the hallway, stopping at the stairs. Bellamy stands at the front door, stepping inside.

He smiles," I've been knocking."

" You don't have to knock, you're always welcome."

He smiles," I like the sound of that."

I head downstairs, stopping next to him. The clouds, a dark grey, almost scary. I shut the door behind him," It's going to get bad out."

A crack of thunder, startles me, and Bellamy pulls me close," I thought you loved thunderstorms?"

I shake my head," I hate them, actually."

His hand runs through my hair as he holds my head, staring down at me.

I smile," I'll get Kim's stash."

He nods, pulling away," Alright."

I head into the basement, leaving Bellamy upstairs. The lights flicker a couple times, which is quite normal.

I finally grab the bottles of wine, and vodka, from the cabinets in the laundry room, hearing the power shut off and watching the lights dim off.

" Bellamy?"

" I'm up here, Clarke, are you okay?" He calls out.

" I can't see anything."

" Keep talking, I'll come."

" I'm in the laundry room." I hear silence for awhile, then his hands wrap around my waist. I gasp, but an overwhelming calming, falls over me.

He laughs, pulling me close," Hey, it's alright, I'm here. I'm right here, Clarke. I'm not going anywhere."

" Promise?" I ask, breathing into his shoulder.

" Yes, I promise. Take my hand, let's go upstairs."

" I have candles in the kitchen."

He jokes," Candles? How romantic."

I slap his arm," Stop joking around."

" Sorry, sorry."

We slowly head upstairs, and I grab candles and some glasses.

We sit in the living room, drinking and watching the rain. He frequently looks over at me, seeing if I'm okay. We're quiet.

He cracks a smile," Clarke..."

" Yeah?"

" Are we ever going to talk?" He says, desperately.

I joke," We're talking now."

He groans, moving closer, and setting his drink down," You know what I mean. I want to talk about us."

I hold his chin, looking into his eyes," I don't want to talk, let's just be us-complicated and messy, but together."

He looks confused," I don't understand."

I lean forward, kissing him passionatly. " Move in with me, live with me, and let's just be together. Talking leads to fighting."

He kisses me quickly once more," I like the idea of not talking." He takes my drink and slowly sets it on the table, leaning forward and kissing me once more. He puts his arm around my back, laying me down. He props his one arm up, so he doesn't crush me. I take my hands and hold his face and we kiss a couple more times, before a crack of thunder seperates us.

We hear a shatter of a vase, come from outside.

Bellamy looks at me," What was that?"

" It was one of the gardening pots. Is someone outside?"

He takes my hand, and we both sit up. He responds," I can't see anything outside." He stands up, looking at the door.

" Stay here, we're safe." I pull his arm back.

He laughs," I'll be fine, I'll just look around." Bellamy leaves the living room, going outside. I hear the back door open, and the heavy sound of rain hitting the tiles in the kitchen. I rise from the couch, waiting for Bellamy to return. He yells," Clarke, can you get some towels?"

" Yeah, sure. Are you wet?" I ask, travelling into the hall to get towels from the closet.

" Something like that." He responds.

I bring them to him, Bellamy holding a wet and dirty puppy in his hands.

" Awww." I say, smiling. Wrapping the little cutie in a towel.

Bellamy smiles," Looks like we get to play house for the night."

" Give me him, he's adorable!"

Bellamy places the puppy in my arms, wrapping his arm around my waist," Hey, listen here, little guy, she's all mine. Don't get any ideas."

I nudge Bellamy in the side," Oh, hush."


Fluffy chapters are much needed after everything they've been through lately

People keep entering in the one shot contest, you still have TONS of time, but I'd love to read some!!!!


Graduates (MWH2) (bellarke fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora