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" Octavia! It's so good to hear your voice, how is everything?" I said into my phone.

" It's great here, everything is amazing. I can't wait to come back home, why did I go away for college in the first place?" She jokes.

" I know right, we all miss you."

" So how's everything with the Daniel, Bellamy situation."

I laugh," You have missed some things, girl, let me tell you."

" Ooh, sounds interesting, go on."

" Well yesterday, Daniel kind of proposed to me, but I told him I couldn't say yes, and we mutually broke up."

She gasps," Wait, I'm having connection problems, I only heard up to he proposed. Are you engaged-d...Clarke...hello?"

" You seriously are having connection problems?"

" Hello?" She says inbetween words.

" O, I'm right here, can you hear me now?"

" What was that?"

I go to respond again, but our call is ended and my phone says: connection lost.

BELLAMY'S POV- (Later that same day)

After coming home from a run around the street, I take a refreshing shower and lay on the couch. I flip through channel after channel, and I'm bored. I need to see her. Clarke.

She has been distant ever since I came to her aparment while Daniel was there. I hate that guy.

I should give her time, and let her take care of him or whatever but you know, he's a grown man, he can take care of himself. He's just trying to keep Clarke for himself. Asshole.

I get in my car and drive to her apartment, I need to see her, I don't care what the costs. Should I sing outside her window? Throw rocks like the old times? Or just simply knock on the door and tell her everything that she means to me.

I pull into the parking lot, seeing her walking out of the apartment with a big box in her hands. This is my chance to talk to her.
I slowly open my door, careful not to scratch the car next to mine. But then that Daniel walks out of the building behind her, a box in his hands too. I close my door, sitting and watching. They put the boxes into Clarke's car, and then she hugs him tight. He rubs her head and kisses her cheek.

My blood boils.

She pulls away, and says some words, and then she gets into the car, and he follows, getting into the passenger seat.

What are those boxes? Are they moving out? Together?

Just then my phone starts to ring, Octavia's name on the screen.

I answer," What do you want?"

" Someone is a little grouchy today."

" Sorry, I'm in a bad mood."

" What happened?"

" I went to Clarke's apartment to see her, and she was carrying boxes to her car with Daniel, and then they drove off somewhere together."

She sighs," Bellamy, I think it's time to give up on her."

" She told me it was me, she told me I was the one she wanted..."

" Daniel proposed to her yesterday."

I punch the steering wheel," Fuck."

She breathes," You have to give up, you're only hurting yourself, Bell. She's happy and she moved on, okay?"

" I can't believe this."

" I'll be home this weekend for the wedding."

" That's awesome, hey I'm going to let you go, I want to go get drunk."

" Bellamy."

" Bye, sis." I hang up and drive off for the nearest bar in town. Bellamy Blake doesn't get the girl, that's just how it is, huh?


I can't let you guys be happy for too long, now can I?
If you search "Tease" in the dictionary, I think you'll find a picture of me (-;

Well I still love you guys no matter what XOXO

Graduates (MWH2) (bellarke fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora