"I think you might have to," he whispers back, "but unfortunately I just fixed your hair and you look way too good for just a peck right now."

Fuck. "Is it too late to tell Robert to turn around?" I whisper, close enough now that our noses are against each other.

"Definitely," he whispers closing the gap between us.

I hold his face in my hands and I can feel his cheeks heating up under my hands, it makes me smile into the kiss.

"We're about to turn down the restaurant street gentlemen, there's going to be paps," Roberts voice makes us jump apart.

"Thank you Robert," I smile at him through the rear view mirror, "and please can you not tell anyone until we do."

He chuckles softly, "you were in your world back there, I was in mine," he smiles, "whenever you are ready you've got my support."

"Thank you," I pat his shoulder, "for all of your support."


I have to stop myself from wishing to hear the same from my father, I know that it's a pointless dream by now.

"We're here," Robert announces, pulling up at the entrance door.

I hope there isn't too many paps, I have no security and my dad might have me assassinated or something if I hold Ezekiel's hand right when we're releasing the news of our new 'relationships'.

Robert opens our door and escorts Ezekiel into the restaurant, I follow slowly enough behind that I wave to the paps and journalists to keep their attention away from Ezekiel.

I give my father a nod once we're inside and my mother gives me a big smile which I return, my smile faltering slightly when I see we're joined by Bailey and Caylen. And they've put Ezekiel and I at the furthest seats possible.

Seeing that bailey is here and Ezekiel's date isn't makes me wonder who they've got for him.

"Caylen," I nod.

"Aven," he nods back, the smirk on his face makes a pit form in my stomach. I can only hope he's here as part of the family dinner and he's not the choice for Ezekiel's 'partner'.

"Good evening you two," my father starts, "I am sure by now you have figured out who you will be paired with."

"Maybe we should start with some drinks honey," my mother's soft voice makes him turn towards her, his face softening almost instantly, "before we get to the business part of the night."

He calls for the waiter who scurries over, my father definitely enjoys how intimidated the poor boy is.

"Can I please just get a glass of your favourite," Ezekiel smiles at the waiter, "Kai, is it?"

This seems to calm the boy's nerves, "would you like Moscato?"

"That would be perfect," Ezekiel smiles softly at him again.

I find myself smiling at the sight, he is so good with people, I can only wish to settle someone's nerves like he does.

The rest of us order our drinks and the waiter has definitely warmed to the group now, I think my mother loves Ezekiel, they've been having their own conversation for the last 20 minutes while the rest of us have been stuck in boring official talk with my ever-charismatic father.

Once we've all got our drinks at the table, before any of us have a chance to even take a sip, my father chimes in again, "So now that the pleasantries are over it is time we discuss the plan," I resist the urge to roll my eyes, "Aven, you and Ms Bailey will exit together ensuring that there are plenty of photographs of the two of you leaving together, then Caylen you will escort Ezekiel."

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