Once we're in the air I'm the first to break the silence. I rise from my seat and crouch down in front of Rome who's strapped in his car seat, his eyes heavy lidded as he blinks up at me. I brush the back of my finger down his cheek and speak to him in Italian.

Nolani sighs, reaching down to unbuckle his straps. "You can hold him if you want."

I'm surprised at her words but I don't bother acting like I don't want to hold him. I quickly scoop him up before she changes her mind and take a seat, cradling him in my arms. He's the first baby I've ever held. His small stature and the tragic way he came into the world tugs against every protective instinct inside my body until I'm practically overcome with the need to keep him safe. He releases another yawn as I gently rock him in my arms, his eyes slowly closing. It should be illegal for me to hold something so innocent and fragile. It makes me question whether or not I should even touch him, as if the blood on my hands could taint him in some way. It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep but I don't give him up.

"I knew you hated me but I wasn't aware it was to this extent." Nolani says.

"My relationship with Polina has nothing to do with my hatred for you." I smirk, glancing up at her but she doesn't seem the least bit amused. I heave a sigh, dragging my finger across Rome's fist that's wrapped around my thumb. "I don't hate you. I hate that you've fried Giovanni's brain."

"Fuck you." Giovanni mutters, his arms crossed as he glowers at me from his seat.

Nolani quirks her head. "Are you sure it isn't jealousy of him being the Don?"

My smirk broadens into a smile. "What's there to be jealous of?"

Nolani purses her lips and Mamma shakes her head at me.

The cabin goes quiet again, everyone unsure of how things work now.

Nolani glances over at Giovanni before looking at me again. "So what's the plan now?"

I open my mouth to reply but Giovanni cuts me off quickly, "He'll be the Don."

I assume he doesn't want her to know about my impending punishment which means it's going to get bloody if he's trying to protect her from it. I've seen Giovanni torture men before, it's gruesome and quick. As soon as they piss him off they're dead. I can't say I'm excited but I am interested in how he'll go about it.

Nolani frowns, studying my brother. "You'll hand it over, just like that?"

Did she really expect a fight? Giovanni's been miserable since he took over.

Giovanni's gaze settles heavily on her, his eyes tired and he doesn't bother trying to hide it from her. "If it means I can give you and our son a safer life? Yes."

I look down at my nephew again. His brow furrowed, his lips puckered over whatever he's dreaming of. His dark curls are soft against my arm, his golden brown skin practically glowing with how healthy he is. He's come such a long way from the traumatic birth that forced him into this world. My stomach clenches as I wonder how alike Rafe would look if he'd made it this far with his twin.

"How could you hide her all this time after watching what her family put me through?" Nolani asks. "How could you hold him knowing she was inside your house?"

I shift my hold on Rome, laying him on my chest with my arm under his bottom before replying, "At first it was the need for revenge against Mikhail. She held secrets about the Bratva that we needed. After that..." I pause, contemplating exactly when things seemed to change from revenge to desire. If I'm completely honest my attraction to her was immediate. I felt it when I saw her in Alex's foyer and it only grew stronger the longer I was in her presence. "... Things changed. She couldn't cause anyone any harm while locked in my house. I knew where she was and what she was doing at all hours of the day. If I thought she was a threat to Rome or anyone in the community I would've killed her."

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