Morning Sex and Pillow Talk

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 Az wrapped an arm around me, pressing a kiss to my temple before leading me down the hall. I could almost feel the warmth radiating off of his chest. I wanted to lean against him, safe from the dangers darkness holds.

"We're going to get you cleaned up," Az opened the door to the bathing chamber we had been using.

There was no steam this time, though I wasn't sure if it was because the water hadn't been warmed yet or because they didn't want the heat to irritate my skin. Az shut the door behind us. My mate grabbed my chin, tilting my head up so I was forced to meet his silver eyes.

"Let me take care of you?" He asked, his deep voice raising goosebumps on my skin.

"Okay," I murmured, my eyes fluttering shut when his lips met my neck.

We hadn't done anything since I was kidnapped and I found myself suddenly very aware of every piece of clothing keeping my skin from his. It had been a very long day, too much had happened to be doing this. Though now all I wanted was to lose myself in my mate.

"Aslin," He pulled back and I whimpered at the lack of contact, "Safe word?"

"Violet," I grumbled, glaring down at my useless hands, if they weren't burned I'd be pulling him back to me.

"Good girl," His praise sent warmth uncurling from low in my belly.

I couldn't help myself, the need to forget myself was too strong. Our lips met harshly, pain sparking on the inside of my mouth when my lips were pressed against my teeth. A hand cupped the back of my neck, tilting my head just so. His lips slotted against mine perfectly, sparking life to the heat in my belly. A low, pleased growl rumbled through his chest. The noise startled me and I quickly pulled back, my bandaged hand going to my bruised lips.

Silence filled the room, guilt coiled in my body. It was too much. Too many emotions and thoughts were crowding my mind. I couldn't hear myself think anymore.

"Aslin," The deep voice of my mate called.

He cupped my cheeks, wiping away the tears dripping down my face. Goddess. I was such a mess.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Az pressed a kiss to my forehead, the sweet gesture after what I had just done only made more tears fall.

My limbs were heavy and I felt like a broken doll as he moved around me. Slipping off my dress and undergarments. I didn't even try to help, too exhausted.

Goosebumps raised on my skin in the chilly room. It wasn't long after I was undressed before strong arms had wrapped around me. My mate lifted me into the air easily, walking towards the pool.

I didn't protest when lukewarm water met my chilled skin and I pressed myself against his bare chest. Shivers wracked my body. I gritted my teeth together, glaring down at my chest.

"Aslin," My mate sighed, his hand wrapped around the back of my neck, thumb brushing my jaw, "Tell me what you need."

"I just don't understand," I chewed at my bottom lip, pulling away from his grip and pressing myself farther into Az's chest.

"You don't have to, love." The male holding me began stroking my side gently, "Just relax."

"Okay," I muttered, hiding my face in his chest.

Az relaxed underneath me, though his arms continued to hold me afloat so I wasn't sitting on his lap. The water sloshed and I closed my eyes, exhaustion making it hard to keep my eyes open.

"Sleep," My mate rumbled, his large hands rubbing soap over my shoulders, "I have you."


Azrael POV~

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