To Be Chosen

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"Lady Aslin?" The driver called, pulling me away from my daydreaming, "We are almost at the temple."

"Thank you," I replied, straightening out my skirts and making sure I looked presentable.

The carriage pulled up to a large open gate, the horses' hooves clicking against the cobblestone. The tree branches stretched high into the sky, blocking the moonlight. Before long the carriage slowed to a stop. Halting in front of the large temple. I was familiar with this temple, my family frequently meeting with the priestesses.

The driver hopped down, his boots thudding against the stone. He opened the door attempting to smile reassuringly. I grasped his gloved hand, heart pounding as my nerves worsened.

"I was in the run once," He murmured as I stepped out of the carriage. "You don't think right while you're in there. Find someone to protect you, and don't run. Wolves love to hunt and chase, the more you run the more desirable you are to them."

"Thank you," I whispered, letting go of his hand and walking towards the brightly lit temple.

I could hear the other girls chattering inside and I thanked the mother for a small bit of familiarity. Slipping inside the front doors I kept close to the walls, nodding a greeting to the few priestesses that noticed me. The other girls lounged on the couches that had been spread throughout the hall.

Only five other girls were from wealth like me, it was easy to pick them apart from the others as they had gathered together. They giggled as they sneered at the others. Rolling my eyes I continued to survey the room. Because the villages were so small two of them would participate in the choosing. I waved to the few villagers that I recognized, most of them seeming to be as nervous as I.

"Aslin," Mayla called, "It's so good to see you."

"Mayla," I greeted, embracing the older girl, "You must be glad you don't have to participate in this."

She smiled, the silver necklace with a crescent moon dangling from it gleaming brightly. Mayla had been a priestess for a few years now, and because of that she didn't have to go through this process.

"How have you been?" She asked, "Still tending to your garden?"

"Of course," I replied, "I've started supplying the village healer with them."

"Amazing!" She cheered, "I always knew you were talented with plants!"

I blushed as the others looked at us, "Do you know when this will begin?"

"Soon," She assured me, "We are just waiting for sister Aral to bring the blessed water. Go sit somewhere they should be going around soon."

"Going around?" I asked, but she had already scampered off.

Following her instructions I sat down near the girls from the village. I listened to them chatter excitedly, distracting myself from what was to come. It wasn't long before a female arrived, her muscles straining as she carried a large silver bowl to the basin at the center of the room.

"Everyone," The head priestess Arina called, drawing our attention to her standing at the doorway in the gray robes all the sisters wore. "Thank you for coming here tonight. The mother is grateful for your sacrifice."

I stiffened at her words, sacrifice was never a good thing. It meant losing something, so what is it we were about to lose?

"My sisters will help you through the ceremony." Arina's silver hair gleamed as she stepped closer to us, "All we will be doing is taking one drop of blood from you. Other than that you can just relax."

With that she walked to the basin, standing over the holy water with an engraved silver dagger. Mayla came forward, grabbing the hand of one of the other nobles. She led her up to where Arina was standing, holding the hand she had grasped over the basin.

"May the mother Bless this offering." Arina said, pricking the tip of the girl's middle finger.

Mayla pressed her finger, causing a drop of her blood to fall into the holy water. She released the girl, letting her go sit back down. They repeated the process, Mayla continuing to lead girls up to have their finger pricked. I watched, my hands shaking, the warnings of my father and the driver ringing in my ears.

Finally, Mayla came to me, grasping my hand in hers and giving me a comforting smile. My hand trembled in hers as we got closer to Arina.

"May the mother Bless you," Arina said, her smile widening as she looked at me.

Mayla grasped my wrist, her hand suddenly cold. Before I could pull back the dagger pricked my finger and my blood dripped into the stained holy water. Instantly the water cleared, the orange tint in the water disappearing.

"Aslin," Arina called out, her voice projecting throughout the room, "The mother has chosen you!"

With those words everything froze, my blood chilling. Ringing sounded in my ears and Mayla's grip tightened on my arm. Arina grinned, her eyes narrowing at me.

"Call the carriages!" She ordered, "The chosen one must leave at once!"

Mayla pulled me to the open door, smiling comfortingly. Most of the girls looked at me pityingly. The remaining few however were glaring, their eyes filled with hatred.

"Come on Aslin," Mayla murmured, "You have to be at the Garden in two days."

I remained silent as an oddly large carriage pulled by massive horses halted in front of the steps. Three males dressed in dark armor with the king's crest on it. One held the reins, keeping the chestnut horses in place, while the other two stood on the back of it. The shorter of the three males jumped off the back, landing gracefully beside it.

"This is Aslin," Arina said, her hand clasping my shoulder tightly, "She has been chosen by the mother."

"Congratulations." The male standing in front of the carriage said, "Please come with us. We have been sent by the king to collect the chosen."

He opened the door, extending his hand towards me. Mayla tugged on my arm, forcing me to start moving. I walked down the steps slowly, gripping my dress to keep from tripping on it. Grasping his hand I stepped up into the carriage slowly, surprised to see that there were no benches, just a heap of blankets that had been arranged on the floor.

"We will be traveling through the night and will only be stopping briefly," He explained, "Try to get comfortable."

I nodded, stepping inside carefully. Avoiding the blankets as I slipped off my shoes. The carriage shifted as the male hopped back on. I kneeled down, moving the blankets so I could lie down.

"Are you ready, chosen?" A male asked.

"Yes," I replied, pressing my cheek into the soft pillow.

We lurched forward, the only sound was the horses' hooves as they clicked against stone. Yawning I looked down at the wrist Mayla had been holding, my eyes adjusting to the dark enough for me to make out a dark crescent shape. I frowned but decided that whatever it was I wouldn't be able to figure it out tonight.

Pulling the blanket up to my chin I shivered, the cold autumn air biting into my skin. Shivering I grabbed more blankets, wrapping myself up as much as possible. Exhaustion took over and I wasn't able to resist as I was dragged into a restless sleep.

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