Sugar and Spice*

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 I stood, nodding to the princesses before exiting the room. My male closed the door behind me, leaning against it with a sigh. A worried frown played on his lips, a contrast to all the smiling he had been doing since we arrived here. He seemed happy here, surrounded by his family.

"Did they tell you about the club?" Az asked with a frown.

"They did," I replied.

"And?" He prompted, "Are you interested in going?

"Do you want me to be?" Stepped forwards and tucked myself into his arms.

"It can be quite fun," He replied, wrapping his body around me, "Would you like to come to Moonlight with Killian and I? He begged me to ask you."

I grinned, "I've never been to a club before. I'd love to."

"Good," Azrael replied, "It might be a bit much for you at first, but Killian and I will be there if you get overwhelmed."

"Okay," I agreed, letting him lead me towards the room we'd be sleeping in.

It was odd hearing him suggest that Killian would be there for me as well. Normally he wanted to be the one protecting me. It must be because they grew up together and Az trusts him more than he does others. Az opened a door, revealing a beautiful bedroom that faced the city.

It still buzzed with life, even as midnight crept closer. People were illuminated by the lanterns that lined the cobblestone, walking home from a long day at work or perhaps starting a late night of fun. Fun that I had never been able to experience locked up in my father's house.

"I am going to let Killian know that you are coming and have the maids heat up the bath for us," Az informed me, pressing a kiss to my neck, "I'll be back soon, there should be a robe in here you can put on."

I watched my male leave, enjoying the sight of his powerful body. Thank the goddess he didn't want me to share him with another female. I don't think I could watch another female pleasure him without becoming murderous.

Reaching behind me I attempted to untie my dress, huffing in annoyance when I couldn't grab the right string. Growling in annoyance I left the room, intent on finding someone who could help me. I shut the door loudly, wincing when the sound echoed through the hall.

The door across from mine opened, a disheveled Killian peering out at me. His lips curled in a devious smile when he saw me.

"You alright?" Killian asked, stepping out of the room. "Where is your mate?"

"He was going to ask someone to heat up a bath for us," I replied, shifting my feet and wringing my hands together as my mate's brother walked closer.

"That's nice of him," Killian replied, "Why are you out here then? Shouldn't you be waiting for him?"

"I can't untie my dress," I stiffened as he came closer, now only a foot away from me. I had to crane my neck back to meet his eyes now.

"I can help with that," Killian offered, "Turn around, let me unwrap you."

"Unwrap?" I laughed, stalling, "You make me sound like I'm a gift."

"You are a gift," Killian muttered, "My brother is a lucky male."

"Thank you," I blushed, "I am lucky to be with him. I love your brother very much."

"Good," Killian grinned, "My brother deserves to be loved after all he has been through."

"What about you?" I asked, his grin immediately dropping, "Do you deserve to be loved?"

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