Lust Filled Heat

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Azrael grinned at me, gripping my thighs and lifting me. He placed me firmly onto his lap, eyes darkening dangerously. The hard shaft of his manhood prodding uncomfortably at my bottom.

"You shouldn't be doing this," I breathed, my thighs trembling as I kept myself from pressing my body against him.

"This is exactly what we are supposed to be doing," He reminded me, his grin fading as his eyes took in my body.

He gripped my hips gently, pulling me down and forcing me to sit on his lap. The hard length of him was now pressing into my rump and lower back, throbbing whenever I moved. Azrael smiled down at me, his eyes sparking with a primal hunger. Biting my lower lip I gave up, relaxing against his chest and enjoying the warmth emitting from his large body.

"This can't be that bad," Azrael said gruffly, "I'm sure you've done stuff like this before."

"Of course I have," I lied, "I frequently get naked with strange males and have them hold me."

Azrael tensed, "Really? How fun."

"Very," I agreed, pulling back to look at him. "Can we eat yet?"

"Sure," Before I could climb off him he grabbed my thighs, placing me next to him.

Azrael grabbed the cooked, slightly burnt hog out of the embers. I added some more of the branches I had gathered to the fire, stealing glances at the broody looking male. He was scowling as he brushed off the soot that was clinging to the pig. He was obviously upset at the thought of me being naked with numerous males and hadn't caught on to the fact that I was lying. I giggled at his annoyance, his eyes flicking up in surprise before looking back down at the hog.

"Here," He ripped off a leg, handing it to me without even looking at me.

"Thank you," I said, only getting a grunt in response.

We ate in silence, Azrael glancing at me occasionally. He had sat on the other side of the cave again, leaving me to shiver as cold wind blew into the cave. He finished before me, having eaten most of the hog easily. I had never seen someone eat so much so quickly and couldn't help watching him. Watching him led to me studying his body, the broad shoulders and muscled arms.

My gaze dipped lower, to the area hidden by shadows, he must have noticed where my gaze had traveled to. He suddenly straightened his legs, the glow of the fire now reaching-

"Enjoying the view?" Azrael asked, I snapped my eyes to his face.

Heat flooded my face and I covered my cheeks with my hands, "Sorry, I've never..."

"Never what?" He asked, raising a brow curiously.

"I've never actually seen," I cleared my throat, "I haven't seen...that before."

"All that time being naked with other males and you never saw a cock?" I cringed at his choice of words, my blush worsening.

"I don't actually get naked with males," I admitted, wringing my fingers together.

"I know," He replied, moving closer and gripping my hands, "I just didn't enjoy the thought of you having sex with someone who isn't me."

"Please stop talking like that," I groaned, leaning towards him, "Can you please come back? I'm very cold."

He laughed, "You are surprisingly straight forward."

"Is there something wrong with that?" He sat next to me, pulling me onto his lap again.

"Nothing at all," Azrael replied, wrapping his thick arms around me tightly, "Is this better?"

"Much," I replied, nuzzling into his chest happily.

His soft groan sent liquid heat rushing to my core and I stiffened in surprise. It was way too soon for me to go into heat, but the feeling was one that I knew all too well. Heat usually starts when a female turns sixteen, and usually happens in early winter or summer. This couldn't be happening, I was always extremely regular with my heats.

"You okay?" Azrael asked, feeling me tense against him.

"I'm perfectly fine," I gave him an uneasy smile, "You never told me why we didn't have to worry about others smelling the food."

"I took care of it," He replied, his ears turning red.

"Take care of it, how?" I giggled, "What did you start peeing everywhere to mark your territory?"

His blush worsened, "Other males won't come near here now."

"Oh my goddess," I whispered, "You did pee on things didn't you?"

"It's working!" He said defensively, "No one will be able to scent you now. Not unless they come close and no sane male would try."

"Good job," I giggled, pressing myself firmly against him as another wave of lust heated my body.

Azrael stiffened, "Aslin are you...?"

"No," I pulled away from him, "Don't even say it. I'm not supposed to for another two months."

"Then why do you smell so," He paused, eyes darkening, "So damn good."

"Az," I chewed on my lip nervously, "I can't. Not here. It'll be extremely dangerous."

"If you are then we need to prepare." He warned, "We should go out, get more food, more wood for the fire. I won't be able to leave you and if you leave the cave others will scent you and come running. Fuck."

"What are we going to do?" I asked, my eyes watering.

"I'll go out," Azrael said firmly, "I don't want you spreading your scent everywhere. If you need me, scream. It might attract other males, but I'd rather that happen than you be claimed by someone else, okay?"

"Okay," I took a deep shaky breath, "You won't go far right?"

"Of course not," He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "You're mine now, whether you like it or not."

"I know," I whispered, tears slipping down my face.

"You'll be okay," Azrael assured me, "When we get out of here I'll make sure you want for nothing. Anything you desire will be yours."

I nodded, too choked up to tell him I wasn't worried about such things. He leaned down, nuzzling into my neck and placing feather soft kisses there. Heat pooled between my thighs, a soft moan slipping from my lips as I turned to straddle his hips. The hard length of him trapped between my thighs.

He groaned, pressing his manhood against the aching part of me. I was becoming drunk with desire. I'd never been with a male through my heat and it took all of my strength to resist the urge to press my body against his. My head swam as he press kisses down my neck-

"Fuck," He pulled back clenching his jaw. "I need to go. Now. Otherwise I'll most likely end up fucking you and we won't have time to prepare."

A shiver traveled down my spine at his coarse words, "Do we really need to? I'd much rather you stay here with me."

"Goddess," He picked me up, "I want nothing more than to stay here and take care of you, but I need to make sure you're fed."

Azrael set me down gently, standing with a sigh as he looked down at me. I wrapped my arms around my knees, pulling them into my chest. My eyes traveled down his muscular body slowly, coming to a stop on his large cock. It jutted out, reaching upwards, the fire illuminating the moisture that had gathered on the tip on it. I was suddenly struck with the urge to taste it, taste him.

"Don't look at me like that," He groaned his manhood twitching, "I'll be back. Do not leave the cave."

I nodded and without another word he left.

Next chapter will have the naughtiness!

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