I sigh. I know he won't be happy...


Carter got to his office late in the afternoon. We quickly went over the sabotage in Congo as he was in a hurry.

He made no reference to our last conversation.

It will soon be 7 pm and his mysterious recurring appointment comes back to mind...

My curiosity prompts me to carry out my investigation...

I'm not sure it's such a great idea. Spying on one's boss. But this story intrigues me too much!

I gather my things together and I discreetly leave my office...

In the elevator, I look for my sunglasses and I pull my collar up.

Like a private detective, I wait for my target in the dim light...

The outfit looks good, as for wearing sunglasses at night, it's not very easy to see anything! I feel a little bit silly...

It's 6:45 pm... Carter shouldn't be long... Strangely, I don't see the Limousine or Jake.

Is Carter doing this behind his back? Is he going there by foot?

Does he have a secret life? Some peculiar practice? Is he part of a kinda private club for the new-rich?

Mmh... There are many questions to be answered...

A shiver of delight runs down my spine. There's something exciting about this, I have to admit! Tonight I will shed light on one of the great Carter's mysteries!

As he passes through the glass doors of Carter Corp, I freeze!

I see him look at his watch. Then he hails a taxi! A taxi...?

Without a second thought, I hail one over too.

I've got you, Mr. Carter!

Once in the taxi, I take my glasses off and wait a moment watching Carter. He steps into the back of the taxi.

Lexi: "Follow that taxi, please!"

The driver nods, no questions asked.

We quickly leave the neighborhood and head for the expressway. My driver's no great warrior! I have a hard time keeping Carter's vehicle in sight.

Lexi: "Can you speed up a little? We'll lose them!"

Taxi driver: "Say, little lady, I'm doing what I can."

Yeah well do better then...

We quickly leave the highway heading towards the south Bronx.

The Bronx...? What's Carter doing in this neighborhood...?

All of a sudden, my heart skips a beat!

My God! Is he going to see a drug's trafficker? What if he's involved in illegal traffic of some sort?!

I must consider everything... As the great Sherlock would say: "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Taxi driver: "Um... Do you want me to keep going, miss...?"

Lexi: "Yes, follow him!"

What do you think? We're not gonna stop now!!

The driver looks uneasy.

I understand him... We are entering one of the trouble spots of the Bronx.

The kind of place where you're not likely to stop for a night stroll... Some have probably already tried... but they have never been seen again!

Suddenly the taxi in front of us stops and Carter steps out.

Lexi: "Stop here!"

My driver stops a little further back. One must exercise the greatest discretion!

I see Carter walking along the sidewalk.

Lexi: "Follow that man, but keep your distance!"

The driver is getting impatient. I hear him sigh.

Lexi: "Don't worry, your patience will be rewarded!"

I think I see him rolling his eyes, through the rear-view mirror.

Carter turns the corner of a street.

When we reach him, he's taking his jacket off and rolling up his sleeves.

I sit there flabbergasted. What I see has nothing to do with what I imagined...

He goes to join some people, behind large steaming cooking pots. He greets them warmly. I can see he knows them well.

My mystery is solved: he's a volunteer for a soup kitchen.

It's a gesture of true generosity! And the fact that he doesn't mention it makes him even more touching.

There is nothing nobler than what I have before me.

He gains nothing by acting this way, in secret, without any publicity. This time, it's obvious. He is sincere when he says he wants to change the world.

If in addition to everything else, he's truthfully generous... I think I will end up falling in love!...

Stop that right now, Lexi!!

Taxi driver: "I have to get on with my fares, ma'am."

Lexi: "Uh... Yes... Yes... Excuse me..."

I give the driver my address to go home.
If you have any wishes/suggestions for improvement, feel free to write them in the commentsIf there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes, please point them out <3
Stay tuned for the next part :-)

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