Wedding 4

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I tried not to fidget too much as Ava did my hair. "Honestly (y/n), why is your hair like this?!" Ava groaned as she tried to make my hair behave. I sighed, grateful that she had even agreed to do this in the first place. "I've been asking that for years..."

It was only another half hour before we were done, and I was ready to walk down the aisle. I turned to Ava and hugged her. "Thank you so much! I know this wasn't the easiest wedding preparation." Ava sighed and hugged me back. "Well, I want just going to leave you high and dry. And are you sure you want me to walk you down the aisle as well?" I quickly nodded my head, stepping back to admire Ava in their suit. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Ava smiled, then took my hand and pulled me towards the aisle. The wedding was small, with Phineas and his friends in the chairs, including Meap and Perry the platypus. Ferb somehow had a license, so he would be officiating the wedding.

The walk down the aisle was quick, and the ceremony was as well, as Ferb was a man of few words. But then came the exchanging of the rings. I tried not to laugh as Mitch shakily put mine on, but then found that mine were even shakier, and I managed to do the ring.

The next moments were a frantic mix of shouting and looking. Mitch and I stayed in place, but it seemed even Perry got involved in the search. After a moment, Mitch and I started to laugh. We couldn't stop until the ring was found by Isabella, who quickly rushed over to hand it to me. I thanked her as I took it, taking a deep breath as I took Mitch's hand and successfully placed the ring on his hand.

After that, everything else was relatively peaceful, except for a small portion where Mitch and I tried to play matchmaker with Meap and Ava, which ended with them dancing, but then it was time to go on honeymoon on a faraway planet.

I giggled as the girls rushed about making sure I looked good for my wedding. Tamora was leaning against a wall, watching quietly as she prepared to walk me down the aisle. I hadn't even seen what I was going to look like, as the little racers wanted to keep it a surprise.

Eventually, they all stood back, and after a moment of observation, cheered and congratulated each other on their work. Tamora sighed, then turned me around to see. My hair was pointed up perfectly, with various white and pink candies decorating it. The makeup was warm-toned and slightly sparkly, making my eyes pop perfectly.

"Thank you, girls. I look amazing."

"Of course (y/n)! I hope Turbo likes it just as much!" Taffyta exclaimed as she pulled me out of the chair. Tamora took my arm and smiled at me. "You ready for this buttercup?" I nodded, though I knew she could see how nervous I was.

"Hey, at least you don't have to worry about a cybug crashing your wedding and wasting your husband." I took a deep breath and nodded. "I know, just a little stressful." She patted my arm, grunting in agreement. "Always is, probably always will be. Just know it's going to be amazing." I smiled at her, bumping against her lightly. "Thanks, Tamora."

Before I knew it, we were walking down the aisle, and I could see my soon-to-be husband. He looked just as nervous as me, bouncing on the balls of his feet and messing with his fingers.

Tamora handed me off to him, and before I even knew it, we had said our "I do"s and embraced each other in a passionate kiss. Everyone was cheering around us, and we were soon escorted to our reception, where we danced with just about everybody and ate plenty of cake.

After that, we were put in a carriage to head off to our honeymoon.

John Silver💎:
I sighed and nervously tapped my foot, as mom and Ronan held my arms on either side, Kaida in front of us with a flower basket, and Orion wheat at the altar with John, holding the rings.

Moon smiled at me and sighed. "Honestly (y/n), there's no need to be so nervous." Ronan squeezed my hand and I took a deep breath. "I know mom, I just can't help but think of the last time I was nearly married."

Mom shook her head and kissed my temple. "I know dear, but if there's one other thing I know, it's that John loves you and your kids so much, and he wouldn't leave without at least leaving a note." I nodded my head and relaxed a little bit. "Thanks, mom." Then the wedding march started, and all I could see was John.

The officiate went through his whole speech, and we exchanged rings. Orion puffed up proudly as he handed the rings to us, causing a little bit of laughter between me and John. After the rings were fittingly on our fingers, John leaned in to kiss me, and it was the most magical experience I've ever had.

Then it was to the reception, where Jim Hawkins and his mother were quick to greet us. John smiled and pulled Jim in for a hug. I stood back to let them have their moment and had my own moment with my kids.

"Mom," Orion looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm so glad to have a dad now." He had the biggest smile on his face, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm glad you have a dad now too." Music started, and we danced the night away, laughing and eating as the stars passed by overhead.

Alameda Slim:
I smiled as Pearl placed her pearls around my neck. "Are you sure? I know these mean a lot to you..."

"Oh hush," Pearl finished fastening the clasp as she smiled at me. "I am absolutely sure. These pearls mean a lot to me, so I'm sure they'll mean a lot to you. Besides, I know you are not going to get a lot of presents today, so this is mine." I turned around and hugged her. "Thank you Pearl, it means a lot."

We stayed like that for a minute before Uncle Sam walked through the door. I looked at him and he sighed, a gentle smile selling on his lips. "We'll aren't you as pretty as the sun setting over the Rocky Mountains." I giggled and held my arm out to my uncle. "Ready?" He nodded, and the door opened to the aisle.

I could see Alameda, and it almost seemed as though his very soul left his body. The walk was quick, and Uncle Sam kissed my cheek before handing me over, then taking the place of officiate as well.

As soon as we kissed, the Willies were hootin' and hollerin' in congratulations. The whole farm seemed to be abuzz with excitement as even animals seemed to cheer for us. Alameda grabbed my hand and walked me back down the aisle, quickly pulling me into the first dance as music played softly in the background.

I wouldn't have this any other way.

This wedding was huge. Not only was the entirety of the southern aisles here, but so was Arendell, the spring, winter, and summer courts ( fall would have made it if they weren't so busy this time of year), and, for some unexplainable reason, the king and queen of Corona.

Fey and human alike were helping me get ready, making sure I looked perfect for my day. Everything was going so well, and I couldn't wait to walk down that aisle.

Hazil, a fey from the spring court who I considered my brother, smiled at me as the last finishing touches were added. "Are you ready, petal?" He asked as he extended his arm for me to take. I nodded my head, trying to not let my emotions get the best of me, lest some magic slip.

The music started playing as Hazil and I started walking. Hans was dressed to the nines head to toe, and his smile was so bright, it almost had a magic of its own. Lenus was up there with him, smiling and waving at me with a little bow tie wrapped around his neck.

It wasn't long before we reached the altar, but if it had taken another minute longer, I might have burst from impatience. Hazil smiled at him as he handed me over. "Take care of her well, or you won't have another story to tell." Hans nodded, then took my hands, smiling at me.

The ceremony went by in a blur, and it was time for the reception. The party was even bigger than the ceremony, held in the town square and it was still packed to the absolute maximum. Hans sighed, and pulled me close, gently swaying me to the music.

There were no words better for a while, but there didn't need to be, everything in the air told us all we needed to know.

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