Their nemesis finds out 4

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I sighed as I took my hair tie out, ready to end a long day. Mitch was already in bed, waiting for me, but then there was a knock on the door. Mitch groaned but got out of bed to follow me to the door. I giggled a little, but then opened the door.

Outside was Meap, smiling at me. "Hello Miss (y/n)! I'm sorry for my late arrival, but I thought I would just come to check on you!" I nodded my head, trying not to laugh as Mitch wrapped his arms around me and grumbled under his breath. I stood aside, letting Meap in.

He sat down on a couch and waited for me and Mitch to get situated before he started to ask questions. "So, anything large happen after I left?" I nodded, fighting off a yawn and showing him my ring. "Mitch promised to marry me in the human tradition." Meap took a close look at the ring, nodding gleefully.

"Congratulations! I hope everything goes well for you! The intergalactic agency will be pleased to hear this!" I nodded my head, continuing to answer questions Meap had about what Mitch was doing, marriage and weddings, and anything else. Meap stayed for almost an hour, and I watched as Mitch slowly fell asleep.

Meap quietly bid us fare well, then was gone. I giggled as I pushed the release button on Mitch's armor, knowing I wouldn't be able to carry his armor upstairs. As I put him in bed, Ava came through the door and started silently screaming at me. I giggled quietly as I exited the room and quietly shut the door.

"Is something the matter Ava?" She sighed, covering her mouth with her hand and gently tapping her foot. "Who was that in the living room?" I giggled, knowing where this was going. "That was Meap. He came to check up on Mitch as he is a former intergalactic criminal."

Ava sighed again, seeming to get more agitated. "So he's cute and a space cop?!" I nodded my head, trying not to laugh as she whisper screamed. "I'll invite him to the wedding." Ava glared at me, then announced she was going to bed, leaving me to go to bed with my fiancé. Finally.

I sighed as I finished another root beer, watching as Turbo celebrated a successful first day back at racing. I was exhausted, never having thought that racing could be so intense. I giggled as he smiled at me, but started as I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." I shook my head and smiled. "Don't worry about it, Ralf. How are you and Venelope?" The small girl smiled at me. "We're doing great! We just wanted to know about the ring on your finger." I smiled and showed it to her, then felt myself lurch forward as Turbo found himself on my back.

"She's going to marry me! We're going to have the biggest wedding this arcade has ever seen!" Ralf smiled gently, while Venelope vibrated with excitement. "Did you hear that Ralf? We're going to have another wedding! With cake!" Turbo nodded, matching her energy. "A cake as big as Ralf!" The two racers continued to chatter excitedly, so I turned to Ralf.

"So is everything going well for Venelope in her new game?" Ralf nodded, sighing. "She's doing great. With fast cars and a little bit of violence, I think she's even thriving." I giggled and nodded. "I'm glad she found her place." I took a deep breath, grabbing another root beer. "So, you are coming to the wedding, right?" Ralf nodded his head, and Turbo tackled me again.

John Silver💎:
I waved as another customer left, waiting for John and the kids to get back from some quick grocery shopping. I stretched, then smiled as I heard some customers come in.

"Well if it isn't Jimbo! How are you?" The young man smiled at me, going to shake my hand. "I'm doing well Miss (y/n)! And you?" I smiled as I showed him the ring. His smile widened and his eyes got a certain twinkle.

"No way, did Mr. Silver propose to you?" I nodded, giggling as Jim practically vibrated in excitement. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for both of you!" We continued to talk about the wedding until John came back with the kids.

He smiled when he saw Jim, and quickly sent the kids to do chores. Jim laughed and hugged the man. "I can't believe you're getting married! Congrats!" John laughed, quick to return his hug. "Thank you, Jim. Do you think you'll be able to make it?" Jim nodded his head excitedly. "Of course! Just give me a date and I'll make sure to make some time."

I giggled as I watched the two men laugh and catch up, knowing this young man was now a part of my family as well.

The rest of the day seemed to rush by, slowing down as the sun crawled low in the sky. Jim was getting ready to leave saying his goodbyes to John, and I went up to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks for coming Jim. And feel free to come again. You'll always be welcome." Jim nodded. "Thanks, Miss (y/n). You don't have to do that."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling lowly. "Of course I do. You're practically part of the family." Jim smiled at me and hugged me again. "Right. I'll definitely be back for the wedding, but I'll try to come back before then." I moved my head and watched as he left.

Alameda Slim🤠:
I sighed as I finished fixing the fence around the farm. Alameda was talking to Pearl about the upcoming wedding when three cows walked toward me.

One of them, a black and white cow with a cute hat, sniffed at my ring, the second one, a brown show cow, motioned towards Alameda, and the third one, a small beige one, pranced around me excitedly.

These were rather intelligent cows, and I got the gist of what they were asking. "Alameda proposed to me, and we're getting married soon."

The cows looked at me concerned. I smiled at them, trying to reassure them. "Don't worry, he's a lot nicer than he was two years ago." The cows still seemed skeptical, so they went to interrogate Alameda, much to my amusement.

The king and queen of Arendell were coming today. The castle was abuzz with nervous energy, and Hans hasn't left my side since breakfast. He held my hand and messed with my ring as we waited on the dock.

Soon, the ship holding Anna and Kristoph pulled into the harbor, and we were greeting them. I grabbed Anna's hand and did a little half curtsy, watching as she gasped. "(Y/n), are you getting married?" I nodded my head, then stumbled as Damien and Derek threw their arms around me. "Our precious baby Hans! Getting married finally!" Hans rolled his eyes, then pulled me out of the twins' grasp.

"Yes, and that means that you can't touch her anymore." I giggled at their childishness, seeing that Anna was too. This would be good for everyone.

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