Getting to know eachother

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I had finally gotten Ursul to my tent and was able to get a proper look at his injuries. I noticed it was covered in bits of wood and splinters. I bit my lip, then went to go grab tweezers. "Hey, where are you going?" I picked up the tweezers, then turned around to show Ursul. "Just needed to grab these." He nodded, then stretched out his stomach so I could better reach the splinters.

I could hear him starting to moan in pain after a while, and it took almost an hour to get all the splinters out. I grabbed bandages from behind me and tightly bound his wound to make sure the bleeding would stop.

I put everything away and turned back to Ursul. "How do you feel?" I sat down next to him, offering him some comfort. "I'll be a little sore, and I'll have a nasty scar, but I'll be fine. Now, you said you had questions to ask?" He looked at me, giving me a mischievous smirk.

I felt my smile as I pulled out my notebook and open. "Ok, so first of all, are there more octopus people like you? And are there mermaids?" Ursul laughed, responding, "There are more people like me, and there are mermaids and mermen." I quickly scribbled that down, continuing to ask him questions about him and the merpeople. He answered each question as best he could, and kept a pleasant face the entire time.

After about three more hours, I had run out of questions to ask, and went to sketch him. Ursul cleared his throat, catching my attention. "So, (y/n), now that I have answered your questions, why don't you answer a few of mine?" I nodded in agreement without hesitating. "That seems fair. What do you want to know?"

Ursul smiled. "Well, I've been banished from Atlantis, so would you be willing to let me live with you? Of course, I'd help where I can, and I just need the basics." I nodded my head in agreement. "That should be fine. Is there anything else you wanted to know?" I sketched his tentacles, and his hair floating just right as if he were still in the water.

"Well, I was curious about what got you so focused on the existence of merpeople." I stopped sketching, smiling at the fond memory. "Well, when I was a little girl, my mother and I were out on a boat, when it got knocked over by an unexpectedly violent wave. My mother managed to stay on board, but I was unfortunately knocked off. I had never learned to swim, and the petticoats I was wearing only made it harder. I could faintly hear my mother calling my name, but I couldn't reach her.

"My lungs were burning, but then, a merman came from the depths, holding a trident. He smiled at me, then waved his trident, and a new current started pushing me towards the surface. I was soon pulled back into the boat by my mother, who held me tightly. When I told her what I saw, she didn't believe me. And from then on, I knew I had to prove that what I had seen, was real, and now, we're here." Ursul nodded, then yawned, suggesting a nap. I agreed, and got us pillows and blankets, letting unconsciousness take over me.

Ratigan 🐭:
After a small rest, Ratigan and I slowly made our way to my house. It wasn't the worst of houses, I couldn't complain, though it was pretty small. After we entered, I continued to tend to Ratigan's wounds. He had a major concussion, but other than that, seemed perfectly fine.

"So you'll just need to take some rest, take it easy, and you should be ok." He nodded. "What about you and your leg?" I sighed. "I've been dealing with it for years, I'll be fine." He nodded. "What caused it?" I smiled and gave half a laugh.

"Well, I used to be part of a criminal organization. We were going to rob a bank and decided to use some explosives to crack into the safe. It didn't go exactly to plan, and my leg got caught under some debris. The rest of the group fled but were caught soon anyways. I was given immediate medical attention, but the doctors couldn't completely heal my leg. They gave me immunity if I testified against my group in court. I try to earn a more honest living now, even if it hurts me to get up and down those stairs.

What about you? How did you end up at the bottom of the clock tower close to death?" Ratigan sighed. "I was trying to steal the Crown Jewels, but a certain detective got in the way. We ended up on top of the tower, and he shoved me off. It wasn't my finest moment." I nodded. I hoped he would stop any criminal activity once he got better, but I was going to take a chance on him.

Clayton 🗡:
As we traversed through the jungle, I decided to ask Clayton a couple of questions. "So, how did you end up tangled in those vines like that?" He looked at me over his shoulder, sighing. "Let's just say I tried to exploit some of the resources out here and pissed off a jungle man."

That only raised more questions, but I could feel he didn't want to talk about it. Then he decided to ask a question. "Why did you go on an expedition with your grandfather if you aren't really into this stuff, and can't keep up with him and his friends?" It was my turn to sigh, knowing my situation didn't look that good. "I'm close to my grandfather, he just gets overexcited and forgets about things that aren't right in front of him. I thought this would be a cool experience, I mean, who else can say they've been to a jungle on the other side of the world."

Clayton nodded, and it continued like that, us asking each other questions until we heard a low growl.

Bill Sykes 💵:
I was going back down to the docks several days after rescuing that man, ready to start another day of work. As I walked down to my boat though, I saw him there, inspecting it.

"Excuse me, sir, can I help you?" He turned to look at me as soon as he heard my voice. "Yes, I would like to offer you a more stable job." I looked at him in shock. "Are you sure sir? We don't even know each other's names." He nodded, stroking one of his dogs' heads. "My name is Bill Sykes, a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand, expecting me to shake it. I did shake it, responding, "My name is (y/n) (l/n), and the pleasures all mine, Mr. Sykes."

He looked at my boat again, seemingly contemplating it. "Now, about that job, I need someone to take care of my dogs. Just feed them, take them on walks, and train them to do some new commands, whatever you want, and I'll pay you $300 a day, and I will provide you room and board." His offer seemed almost too good to be true, so I decided to take advantage of it while I could.

"I would love that, Mr. Sykes." I smiled at him, ready to start a new chapter in my life.

It had been a few days since Maleficent had come to me asking for food, and he still hadn't woken up. I had been feeding him liquid foods, porridge, soup, and whatever else I thought would work, but he must have used a lot of magic if he still hadn't woken up.

I was in the middle of feeding him some soup when his eyes fluttered open. I stopped feeding him so he wouldn't choke, and he started to sit up. "Where am I?" He looked me straight in the eyes, the piercing yellow color starting to unsettle me.

"You're in my cabin in the woods. Do you remember anything before this?" I offered him the bowl of soup so he could continue eating, which he accepted. "I remember seeing you, but the rest is a bit fuzzy." I nodded, ashtray knowing that that might be the case. "That's alright, nothing important happened before you passed out." He nodded and started eating the soup.

After a few moments, he seemed satisfied and stood up. "Is there anything I can do for you to repay you for helping me?" I nodded my head. "Teach me some magic. I'm already learning from the good fairies, but they make it seem so boring." Maleficent nodded his head.

"I will teach you all magic had to offer."

Father Gothel🌼:
After Gothel was awake, I offered him some breakfast. He thanked me and started to eat. We are in silence, but it was comfortable, but it didn't last very long, as I couldn't wait to ask him questions.

"So, from what I could gather before I revived you, you were exposed to a large amount of magic. Would you mind telling me about that?" Gothel sighed but nodded. "Throughout my life, I had an object I would sing to in order to keep my youth." I nodded, taking notes on a nearby datapad.

I continued to ask him questions about the magic, and he in turn asked questions about the future, which I answered as best I could before we heard a door being broken down upstairs.

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