They save you

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I hiked up the skirt off my bathing suit to try and better see what was underneath me. Ursul was out deeper, looking for things to build up his ingredients for potions. The prospect of magic and potions excited me, and I couldn't wait for him to return so that I could take notes on the ingredients and goods to make the potions.

Ursul and I had been getting closer, and he often brought me back stuff to prove the existence of mermaids, from partial skeletons to artifacts. By now, I almost had a full female skeleton and the tail and rib cage of a male. His help would have me back to the castle with my evidence in no time.

I continued to look, finding fossils and seashells, but all the important stuff seemed to be deeper in the water, where I couldn't go. I let my skirt down, making it harder for me to see under me, and started to go forward.

I was about to take another step when a strong hand pulled me back. I looked behind me to see Ursul. He pointed in front of me, and I saw a weever fish swimming away. Ursul sighed. "I've brushed tentacles with those things too many times. Trust me, they hurt a lot." I nodded. "Thanks, Ursul. Did you find what you were looking for?" He nodded. "I also found a little present for you." I smiled, and we headed back to the tent.

Ursul started to empty his bag, then smiled at me as he bright out a skull. I squealed in excitement. "Is that a male's skull?" I laughed, as he handed it to me. "Yes, it is." I rushed over to the table that held the skeletons, and gently placed the skull above the rib cage of the matching skeleton.

I turned to Ursul, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." Ursul hugged me back, and we stayed in comfortable silence.

Ratigan 🐭:
Ratigan had almost fully healed by now and was helping me clean the clock tower. He would take care of the upper levels, making it easier for me as I didn't have to climb so many blasted stairs.

I was almost finished with my final floor when I felt an arm wrap around me. "Well hello~. Aren't you a petty thing?" I could immediately smell alcohol. I tried to push him off, but then my leg decided to give out, so I ended up leaning into him. "Oh~, you want to have some fun, do you ~?"

I tried to regain my balance. "No, sir. Please just leave me alone." His face was inches from mine, the smell of alcohol becoming overwhelming. Tears sprung to my eyes, fear taking root in my soul. "Please just let me go..."

His smile grew wider as he began to mess with my clothes. "I don't think so, sweetheart." I could feel his breath on my neck, and his arms snake around my waist. I whimpered, but then, a familiar voice thundered from the other side of the room.

"Jasper, leave her alone." Ratigan approached us, his stance wide and intimidating. Jasper let go of me, causing me to fall to the ground. "Professor Ratigan! You-you're alive?!" Ratigan offered me a hand, then pulled me to my feet, making sure to give me enough support so I wouldn't fall again. 

"Yes, I am. And I suggest you get out of here before things get messy..." Jasper quickly fled, and Ratigan turned to me. "Are you alright, Angel?" I scoffed. "Angel? Where'd that come from? In anything but." Ratigan chuckled. "Let's get home, Angel."

Clayton 🗡:
I stood frozen in fear as Clayton slowly pulled out a gun. He tried to grab me and get me out of danger, but before he could, whatever was behind us pounced, knocking me to the ground.

I cried out in pain as I felt claws rip into my arms. I could feel blood drip down my arm like a shattered mug of hot tea. Tears burned my eyes as whatever beast was on top of me continued to tears at me, ruining my clothes and causing deep cuts.

I waited for something, anything, to stop this pain, and heard an explosive crack. The beast fell on top of me, but was soon kicked off by Clayton. "(Y/n), are you alright?" I shook my head no, unable to find my words. The pain was shooting through me with every breath and any movement only made it feel like a fire was growing in my back.

Everything was going dark, with spots of light flitting around like fairies of doom. I faintly heard Clayton call my name, and briefly felt his arms wrap around me before darkness enveloped me, like a curtain after the actor's final bow...

Bill Sykes 💵:
I cursed under my breath as the loan sharks cornered me. "Come on boys, I'm sure we could work something out!" The head shark, Barnabas, sneered at me. "No can do, sweet cheeks. You know the rules. You can't pay up, we take something ~." I felt faint at his last words, not knowing what to do.

They backed me up against a wall, and I waited for the worst to happen. But before anything could happen, I felt two familiar, cold, wet noses pores into my hand on either side. "Rosco, Soto? What are you guys doing here?" I looked back up at Barnabas, to see him and his lackies looking in fear at none other than Bill Sykes.

"Well, boys, what seems to be the problem here?" Bill shook ashes of his cigar, his face stoic, yet relaxed. Barnabas looked at Bill, becoming the minnow at that moment. "Mr. Sykes! Nothin's the matter, we're just trying to get girlier here to pay her dues." Bill took another drag of his cigar, his eyes having a predatory gleam.

He broke through the group of men, putting out his cigar and offering me his hand. "She'll be coming with me boys. Don't try to bother her again." Barnabas and his goons gave varying words and gestures of agreement as Bill led me to his car.

He opened the door to the back seat and helped me get in. After the dogs joined me, Bill got in the driver's seat and started to drive away.

Maleficent 🥀:
I took a deep breath as I attempted the spell again, Maleficent watching close by. I thought of my intention, which was to shapeshift into a crow. I dragged my hands up my body, letting my magic enveloped me, knowing it would only take one wrong step for this to go terribly wrong. I took another deep breath, but then, it went downhill.

I heard a gunshot in the distance, which startled me and broke my concentration. My magic dispelled, causing me to be in an agonizing halfway transition. I could hear Maleficent telling me to calm down, so I focused on my breathing, trying not to freak out.

"It'll be alright, (y/n), just give me a moment to fix this..." I nodded, trying not to scream and cry in pain, but already tasting the blood from biting my tongue. I could feel his magic enveloped me like an unfamiliar but welcoming presence. The pain soon subsided, and I relaxed into the grass.

Maleficent sat next to me, sighing in annoyance. "Honestly, how is anyone supposed to get anything done properly with all the racket humans make." I laughed weakly. Maleficent looked at me, sighing again. "You must rest now, an ordeal like that is hard to handle." I nodded, closing my eyes.

Father Gothel 🌼:
I quickly grabbed Gothel's hand and pulled him up out of the seat. "We have to run, now!" He followed me but looked behind us. "What's going on?" I pulled him through a side room, hoping it was the one that led to the outside. "There's a group of people after me. They already killed the rest of my family and friends, and if we don't get out of here, they'll kill us too."

I was quickly able to find the hidden door, but it was stuck. I tried again and again, and Gothel tried to help, but to no avail. My anxiety spiked as men in white robes entered the room. Gothel got in front of me, extending a protective arm. "I suggest you leave. I don't wish to get my hands bloody today." The men laughed, continuing to approach us.

I gripped the back of Gothel's cloak, not feeling like dying today. I could hear Gothel cursing under his breath, and saw him grip the front edge of his cloak. I felt my breath hitch as one of them pulled out a knife, then threw it at us.

I saw the cloak come in front of my face as Gothel pulled me into him, then I felt. nausea and disorientation. The next thing I knew, we were in an unfamiliar part of the forest, with a tower not too far away. I looked over at Gothel to find him with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. "It's been a while since I've done that..."

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