They ask you out

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I'm changing the POV to first-person
Shan Yu:
It was one of the few days that I was able to relax. There were no salves to make, drinks to concoct, or pills to create. No customers were complaining or bargaining the price, there was just me, the wind, and a nervous Shan Yu.

I didn't know why, but Shan Yu had been nervous for a couple of days. He would often stare at me or off into the distance and would flinch every time I called his name. He was always distracted and often went out on walks to "clear his head". I was worried and had decided to ask him questions about what was going on today.

I found him in the garden, carefully harvesting ripe herbs like I had taught him to. "Hey, Shan Yu." He flinched again as I called it to him, but looked my way. "Is everything ok? You've been acting a little weird these past couple of days, and I'm starting to worry." He sighed, and sat down on the porch, signaling for me to sit next to him.

As soon as I sat down, he sighed again. "I've been doing a lot of soul searching due to some feelings that have arisen in me towards you. I didn't know what they meant at first, but I'm starting to understand them, and I need to get them off my chest." I nodded, and squeezed his hand in encouragement, continuing to hold it.

"I like you a lot. More than a friend. I want to stay by your side and love you, and hope that you can learn to love me too..." His voice tapered off at the end, but I felt a smile grow on your face. "I would love that." Shan Yu looked at you in surprise before he pulled you into a hug.

"Then will you accompany me to the lantern festival in the village this weekend?" I leaned into him, returning the hug. "Of course. We'll have a lot of fun."

Gaston had been acting weird lately. He was taking on more chores, letting you do the hunts, and just generally being a decent person. But what caught my suspicion was when I was mending some clothes, and Gaston asked me to teach him how to sew so he could help me.

While I did enjoy this new attitude he had, this was not the Gaston I knew, and he had appeared to change overnight. It somehow made me nervous, so I decided to confront him about it.

It was dinner time, and Gaston had graciously offered to cook dinner that night. As he served up the delicious-smelling roast deer, I practiced what I would say in my head. He sat down, and I cleared my throat. Once I knew I had his attention, I started to speak.

"So, what's with the new attitude?" Gaston raised a brute and swallowed his bite of meat. "What do you mean?" I placed down my utensils and bit my lip. "I mean, I was hoping you'd become better with women, but not this good! And it seemed to happen overnight! I don't know if you're planning something or—!" I was interrupted as Gaston laughed.

"What's so funny?" I felt my face flush as Gaston looked at me with a disarming smile. "It's just, I didn't mean to freak you out, I just realized something a couple of days ago." I swallowed a piece of meat, nervous about his answer. "What did you realize?"

Gaston grabbed my hand, and I looked into his eyes, and I saw love, a little bit of fear, and complete adoration. "I realized that I wanted to become the kind of man that you would want to spend the rest of your life with." I felt my face grow hot again, and I tried to respond, but the woods seemed to escape me. But I didn't have to say anything as Gaston massaged my hand, apparently having one more thing to say.

"Would you like to go with me to stargaze in my favorite clearing tomorrow night?" He raised my hand and kissed my knuckles. I smiled, trying to look him in the eyes and not show weakness, and nodded my head. Gaston's smile widened, and he filled my gobble up with more water, happier than I had seen him in his entire time being here.

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