Cruell De Vil

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Alright, first request! Now, I don't know if you guys watched 101 Dalmatians 2, but Cruella was sent to an asylum after she crashed her car again in another pursuit for spots. This will take place after that when Cruell has been released, but it should also be noted that he is now terribly afraid of Spots in this. Hope you enjoy it!

How you meet:
I felt the cold winter air nip at me as I exited the bookshop. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I made sure my book was secure. The streets were empty, so I started spacing out, not noticing until it was too late that I was going to run into someone.

I closed my eyes as I hit the floor, clinging the Book to my chest. Not even a second after I hit the ground, someone was fussing over me. "Oh my, are you alright? I wasn't watching where I was going." Strong arms helped me get up, then dusted the snow off of me. I noticed my glasses were missing and started to look around for them. "Are you missing something darling?"

"My glasses, do you see them?" I looked around only seeing blurry blobs of colors. "I think I do. Here we go." My glasses were placed on my face, and I was met with a handsome man smiling at me. "There we go, ask better now?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, thank you, mister..."

"De Vil, Cruell De Vil." I nodded again. "Right, thanks again, mister De Vil." I continued on my way home, ready to settle down to read with a warm cup of tea.

Getting to know each other:
I was at my favorite café, drinking a nice cup of jasmine tea and reading the book I had got the other day. After a few moments, the bell at the door jingle, signaling another customer had arrived. I paid no attention to it and continued to read while sipping my tea.

After a few moments, I felt someone sit across from me but continued to ignore everything around me. "What are you reading doll face?" I was startled, recognizing the voice. "Oops, sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you." Cruell De Vil was in front of me, a cup of coffee in one hand, resting his head on the other, with a coy smile adorning his lips.

"It's f-fine." I cursed at myself for stuttering. He sipped his coffee, then continued talking. "You know darling, I never got your name. Would you mind giving it to me?" I nodded. "My n-name's (y/n)." I became embarrassed with that stutter, feeling my face grow hot.

"(Y/n) darling, I simply must say how adorable you are! Whatever man is wrapped around your finger sure is lucky!" I knew I probably looked like a tomato at that point but decided to comment anyway. "I-I don't have a man wrapped a-around my finger..." Cruell looked at me in shock.

"What? No boyfriend, no husband? Surely you must at least have some suitors!" I shook my head, trying to drink my tea. "N-no man has ever really treated me r-right. I've often been made fun of a-and struck for my shyness..." Cruell choked on his coffee. "Struck! What horrible manner of men have you been around?" I bit my lip and looked back down at my book.

I heard Cruell sigh and felt him take my hand into his. "Spend a little time with me darling, and I'll make sure you know how a man should treat you. What do you say?" I nodded my head, and Cruell happily placed a kiss on my knuckles. "I'm afraid I have to go for now darling but meet me here tomorrow and I'll give you the date of your life! Sat around ten?" I nodded my head, and Cruell gathered his things and was off, leaving me a flustered mess.

They save you:
I had arrived at the cafe a little early and was waiting for Cruell when I heard an all too familiar voice. "Well, if it isn't l-little m-miss (y/n)!" I looked behind me, and my fears were confirmed. "Leave me alone Luis." I felt him drape an arm over me. "Come on (y/n)! We've known each other forever! Can't I just come over and say hi?" I tried to slip out of his grasp, but he held me there.

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