Chapter 4: A Story To Tell!

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As the afternoon finally setlled down - and the night came to embrace the sky's presence - Sakura was now quietly observing the moon above as the familiar cold air passed by; playing with her features. 

The girl had a long conversation with her mother, the latter only asking questions and trying to calm her down on the process; it seemed like they stood in there for almost an entire hour. 

And even so... Sakura felt that she could have said more. It seemed like she didn't even told the whole story and left missing pieces of the full story. 

She could have said that people were making fun of her, since the day she started walking around the village; looking at her with rigid postures and scolding eyes.

As if it wasn't normal to just walk around her own village.

But aside from these peculiar feelings, what she told her mother was really satisfying and less problematic in the end. 

Her thoughts were continuing to roll inside her head. She didn't knew what would happen; what type of punishment she would receive if she had any; and didn't knew what her parents were saying. 

She could only accept that she was discovered and had to confess like a criminal; even if she didn't actually wanted to be violent. 

The girl's mother was mostly aprehensive then anything. Mebuki knew exactly what she would have to do in order to cover this mess up, but it was still unnerving to think of this whole case. 

At the same time... she was not surprised that this would eventually happen. 

It could be an surprising and traumatic experience for her daughter... but for her, it simply wasn't. She passed through the same thing after all...

Coming into relation to the kids parents and situation, it wasn't going to be a big deal; specially given that the boys were ninjas. Saying a litlle girl was the cause for their wounds, would probably lower their respective clans reputations at best. 

The explanations would have to be given, of course, but they were not going to be delivered inaproprietly. 

It doesn't mean however, that such actions would pass completly unpunished or forgotten. 

In fact, Mebuki decided that Sakura would have to stay on her house from now on. At least for the time being; since it would be better if such accidents didn't occured too soon. There's just some people who hold grudges and she don't want to make a mess if she needs to protect her daughter or even save her from an hostage situation.

Even if some clans could be considered in the 'civilians' range, they could still cause a big fuss if they wanted.

But Mebuki alongside her husband would still need to talk to Sakura about it; make her understand the situation. She was smart on her own accord and really comprehensive as well. 

She would understand and they truly hoped she would.

The pink haired girl continued to look at the moon through her window - still feeling the cold atmosphere hitting her skin. There was an dead silence outside, even though an minimum amount of voices could still be heard outside from time to time.

Suddenly the girl's thoughts were interrupted by a light knock on the door of her room, followed by someone slight opening it - a creaking sound following right after. 

Soon enough her father's head peaked on the entrance, making Sakura's body unknowingly relax from the sudden surprise.

Kizashi: "Hey there cherie..." He smiled to her; a soft expression on his semblance "Can I enter...?"

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