I looked at Ezra for assistance. She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "We... Um... Have put our differences aside and have decided to give this friendship a shot."

That was good, not going to lie. I was impressed.

Beside us, I could hear James snicker. I didn't do a reaction.

"Give this friendship a shot or have a better chance at sticking your tongue down the other's throat?" He teased.

"I see that you've evolved Miss Marshall. I shall grant you this demand. You can both be roommates again." Principal Weems stated. "I shall inform Miss Thornhill."

I was ecstatic but I kept myself together. We thanked our principal and left.

"OMG! I'm so happy!" I whisper-yelled while jumping up and down.

Ezra chuckled and wrapped one arm around me, pulling me towards her. "I am too, puppy."


Since it was Saturday, we had a whole day for ourselves. Ezra helped me get my stuff back to our room and waited for me to shower so that we could spend a day together.

When I got out of the shower, I realized I had forgotten my clothes inside and only brought my underwear.

"Shit..." I muttered to myself. "Ezra!" I called. No reply. Fuck, she must be using her headphones.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. She was indeed, listening to music while reading a book. I sighed and got out.

Her head immediately snapped in my direction and her eyes widened while a red blush coated her pale cheeks.

"I-I forgot m-m-my clothes..." I stuttered, trying to cover myself as much as possible as I was looking for something to wear.

"Aha." She said as her eyes scanned my body and I found her smirking at me.

"STOP!" I shouted.

She laughed, stood up and walked over to me. I tried to ignore my raging heartbeat because I felt her closer and closer to me.

All of a sudden, her arms wrapped around me from behind and she pulled me towards her body. The feeling of her hands on my stomach was indescribable. She was stroking it softly. I think my ovaries are about to explode.

"You look so good, E." She whispered in my ear before kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks..." I replied shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "What do I wear if we're going to spend the day in downtown Jericho?"

"Anything would suit you." She mumbled before peppering my neck with kisses. I leaned back against her torso and closed my eyes. She kept kissing the sensitive area slowly and softly. I turned around and glared at her.

"Stop turning me on." I ordered.

She started laughing. "It's payback for what you once did."

"You mean when we were studying?" I smirked.

"Precisely." She said with an innocent smile. I pinched her cheeks and kissed her nose right before I grabbed a pair of jeans and one of my trademark colorful sweaters.

"There will come a time when you will get your revenge. And our whole relationship will be based on the other avenging her pride for losing to a game of 'Who Gets Turned On First'. This will be fun." I winked and started wearing my clothes.

"So... We're in a relationship." She stated with a smile.

"Indeed we are, whether you like it or not. Any complaints will unfortunately not be taken into consideration. You are stuck with me."

Less Dead | Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now