Chapter 13

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Mchenzie rushed into the hostel, straight to the control room. "heeeyy!", the men in charge screamed. He flipped open his I.D and they paved way and ended the tantrum they were throwing. Instead of his earlier agenda to find out about the scumbags who fought him, he searched through for a video of Mollys abduction.

Just as it happened, he saw Molly driven  unconscious and dragged into the van. As he watched, his fists clenched, and his muscles suddenly felt restricted in his clothes. In the video, he got a glimpse of the number plate of the van and wrote it down.

He hurried out and drove off to a Police Station, to see Bob. Bob was a good friend and a CID. He requested for the car to be tracked down. "Thanks", Mchenzie said and stood up, leaving behind an astonished Bob. "Did.......did he just thank me? Woah.. this must have been really important if it got him to come down to showing gratitude", he said more to himself and smile inwardly. Mchenzie drove home and changed into some casual clothing. He wore a tank top and cargo shorts. He stood staring at his reflection as he loaded his pistols and filled pockets with anything else he might need. Right on time, a text from Bob comes through with the location and GPS address of the van. He picks up his phone and keys, and set off.


After minutes of waiting, Pedro calls Molly severally and finally resorts to sending her a text.

#where you at Molly? Are you okay? (2:31)
#You've been gone for a while and Im getting worried. (2:31)
#Please call me or let me know you're okay. E really freaking me out. (2:32)

Out of options, he sends her a voice note. Almost giving up, he slumps back into his chair and heaves a sigh. His phone's chirping sound, makes him jerk and he clumsily picks up his phone and unlocks it. Seeing the name 'babe M❤️' caused a smile in the corners of his lips.

#sorry for causing all that trouble. I'm fine, its just my parents, but I can't really talk about it now. I'm flying out of town in some minutes. Please find a way to inform Nick my battery's about to die out.

He smiled at himself in relief, paid the bills and got home.


"Heyy, ummm Pedro, can you hand the phone to Molly so I'd speak to her? Its kinda urgent", Nick says over the phone. "Molly? Oh right I almost forgot to tell you. She's going out of town for while. She said it was about her parents so don't get yourself worked up. She's fine", Pedro says back. "Really?", "yeah". " She should be on her flight by now". "Okay", Nick answers uneasily and hangs up. "Why didn't she tell me. I mean her parents are like mine too and she knows that. Should I fly out myself? Just to make sure they are okay? Yeah. Probably, else Im just going to die of worrying". Evans grabs Nick from behind.

"What's wrong?". he asked. "I think I'll be going to the countryside soon. Something is  off about Molly and going to her parents and all. I'm too worried to keep calm. I'll be leaving in two days. I wonder how she booked a plane ticket, train and ride in this short period?", Nick said when dawned on him. "Relax, maybe her parents made them for her. It must have been really urgent", Evans said and Nick nodded with a look of exasperation allover.

".........Miss Molly Moon right? (he smirks at her). As said earlier, I want straight and right answers to my questions. No beating about the bush. I hate time wastage....... so pay attention. We both know of what your late beloved parents achieved when they were ones like us.... I mean alive (he bows with a hand on his chest and slowly lifts his gaze to meet Mollys scowl and he smiles) I guess they got what they deserved ........ my condolences, anyway. Just tell me where the safe house is. I can find the safe on my own". Molly's angry and infuriated scowl turns to that of perplexity and her brows shift. "Safe? What safe? And what are you ranting on about a safe house? My parents never had anything like that.....(long pause)...Look here I think you captured the wrong girl. You  know you can just set me free and go find her right? I promise not to say a word", she says and smiles broadly.

"Cut the crap Molly, stop playing dump and just tell me where the damn safe house is located. I need my hands on those photonic viruses ASAP! So stop joking around and tell me where the damn thing is located". "Photons? Virus? Like I said, you've got the wrong girl. I work in a law firm, I have no scientific background and I'm not at all interested in them", Molly replied firmly. "Don't force me to get messy. I want this to be done peacefully. Just tell me where the safe house is". "Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about". "For the last time, where is the......" "I said I DONT KNOW", Molly interrupts and his anger gets to its peak. He grabs Molly's chin firmly and roughly jolts it upwards to look into his eyes.

"Fuck", he says under his breath as the pain of not the being able to harm her dawns  on him. He needed her alive and well, at least for now. He paces up and down for a while and abruptly stops. "So, you say you know nothing, fine. I tried to be gentle but that was the farthest I could go. We'll try this again another way". He smirks and Molly looks away with pure disgust. "Tape her mouth", he orders and walks out.


A man in dark green pants and a white and amor green poker dotted shirt walks calmly as he pushes his luggage from the arrival door of the airport. He removes his hat as the cool New York air blows through his grey hair. He shut his eyes for a while and breathes in, releasing a heavy sigh. Finally, I see them again. "They're all grown up by now huh", he smiles and it fades almost immediately. "I hope they understand we had no choice". He stops a cab and gets aboard.

#Text me when you get there
He receives a message.
#Certainly. (he replies)

After a long drive, the cab pulls over right before a two storey mansion.

#I am there.

He texts again to the same person from earlier and presses the bell, waiting in anticipation. Mr. and Mrs. Mchenzie get to the camera simultaneously and they gasp at the man they see. "You? Is it time already?",Mr. Mchenzie says as he ushers him in. they welcome him warmly and he looks around. "you know why I'm here right? (they nod), where's he?", the man asks. "We don't know, probably at work. Let me phone him". They call him severally and when he finally picks up, all he says is, "Molly's been abducted. Don't report this to the police yet. I'll call you later". Mrs. Mchenzie gasps and looks wearily at her husband. "He said, Molly's been abducted". Mr. Mchenzies eyes widen.

"Did you say Molly?.....what's her surname?", the old man asks. "Molly Moon, she's his girlfriend and personal assistant at work". "Molly? Moon?.....Molly Moon? You are saying Molly Moon is your sons girlfriend and worker?", "yes", Mr. and Mrs. Mchenzie reply in unison. The old man smiles to himself and chuckles softly. "Amazing, the universe has its own way of putting things in place", he says to himself.

His expression turns serious upon realization, "Did you say she was abducted?". They nod sadly. "Damn! Are we late?", the grey hair man questions no one in particular as his expression turns sour.

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