37: Momoka

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"What would you know?" Aguni asked me as he grabbed my collar and punched me in the face. I gasped. It fucking hurts, hurts, hurts. My nose was bleeding. He was still holding onto my collar. I breathed heavily. "What would you know?" He asked me again, but this time he sounded like he was about to cry. His voice was quiet and shaky. "I killed my best friend too, Aguni. Remember, when I was 16? It was right here! I shot her on accident. I understand the pain in your eyes. You killed your friend. And so you wanted to kill everyone at the Beach, because they were the ones who made your friend go crazy. Your broken feelings. The game master made use of them! That's why this is a Hearts game!" I said. "Shut up!" He yelled as he pushed me to the ground. "If that's true, then Aguni just wanted to kill everyone regardless of the game?" A guy asked. "And we went along with that?" A militant asked. "Just who is the witch?" I asked as I started tearing up. "I know who." Sakura said as she came from behind the wall. "You can always see the game master's characteristics in a game. In a Hearts game, it always makes a fool out of everyone. Maybe there really was a way to end the game without killing everyone. A solution where no one has to die." She said. "Impossible. We have to hunt down the witch and burn them in the Fire of Judgement, right?" A woman asked. "No. There's a witch candidate that makes it possible. It is possible if the witch is Momoka herself." I said, pointing at Momoka's dead body. "Momoka struck the knife into herself?" A woman asked. "Yes. If I were the game master, I would come up with this idea." I said. Aguni kicked me, but I didn't let myself fall this time. "What a joke! I'm the witch! You guys want to kill me, right?" Aguni yelled as he started fighting with everyone. "Aguni is trying to take everyone down with him!" Arisu said. "The Beach made him crazy! You guys made him crazy! I'm the witch!" Aguni yelled, pushing and kicking everyone. "I know how to stop Aguni! I'll get Aguni's attention! Use the chance to burn Momoka is the Fire of Judgement!" Asahi said. "Asahi no!" Usagi yelled. "Listen up everyone!" Asahi yelled. "I'm the dealer of this game!" She yelled. And then, she was lasered. And she frll to the ground. "It was a reverse grip!" Ann yelled as she walked in with Kuina. "Kuina!" I said happily. I walked over to them. Ann was injured, Kuina was helping her. I saw Kuina struggle with carrying Ann, so I told her to move. I put Ann's right arm around my shoulder and she leaned on it. "Fingerprints with a reverse grip were found on the knife!" Ann said, raising the knife. "This means Momoka grabbed the knife herself and stabbed it trough her own chest." Ann said. "She's the witch." Kuina said. "Why would she kill herself for a game?" I asked, staring at the floor. "The two of them...They might have been controlled by someone else too." Usagi said. "Aguni. Let's just stop this." Arisu said. "Don't let the death of the innocents go to waste. I understand how it feels to kill your friends. But we shouldn't take out our frustration on the ones who are alive! We are still alive! We are all facing despair head-on and fighting until the very end! Don't look down on those who are still alive! " He continued. Kuina put her arm around me. It was silent for a while. A man turned around. "The fire is spreading!" He yelled. "Move the body to the fire of judgement!" I yelled. "Hurry up!" Kuina said. A guy tried to pick up Momoka's body, but he suddenly got shot. I heard another gun shot in the distance. "Get down!" I yelled as Kuina, Ann and me got down. "In the first place, I should've just burned down the Beach with the Fire of Judgement!" The shooter yelled. "Is that Niragi?" Kuina whispered. Someone appeared next to me. It was Sakura. "Niragi." She whispered. "With this..I'll clear the game!" He yelled. He threw a torch and started shooting around. We helped Ann get up and ran away as fast as we could. We hid around the corner where Sakura, Chishiya and me were standing before. "Where's Chishiya?" I asked Sakura. She held up her shoulders. I heard a guy yell. He didn't yell because he was scared. He yelled out of anger. It was Aguni. He ran towards Niragi and ran into the fire with Niragi hanging over his shoulder. I heard 2 gun shots. "Three minutes remaining." I heard that sick, robotic voice say. "There's no time!" Kuina said. We ran towards Momoka's body. Me, Kuina, Ann, Usagi, Tatta and another boy carried her body. We walked to the fire. "Okay, on 3. 1, 2, 3!" I said. We let go of her body and threw it in the fire. "Game cleared, congratulations." I heard. "I think I might know where Chishiya is." Kuina told me. I looked into her eyes.


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