32: Boyfriend

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Niragi was looking at me. My friends too. "Uh, sure?" I said, answering Niragi's question. Yuna gave me some stare that I didn't like. I widened my eyes at her, trying to show her that I just didn't know what to do. He took me to the empty, white room. Right in front of Yuna's room. "What do you want?" I asked. "Are you angry at me? Don't talk to me like that." Niragi said. "Why did you want to talk to me?" I asked him. "I'm allowed to talk to my girlfriend, aren't I?" Niragi asked, coming closer to me. "Wait, what? What do you mean with girlfriend? Since when?" I asked, slightly pushing him away. "That one day, we kissed. I've been your boyfriend since then." Niragi said. "Well, we never made that official. You can't just claim me like that!" I said. "Don't act like you don't want me as your boyfriend." He said, coming closer again. But this time, I didn't push him away. He came closer, and closer. So close, our lips touched. "Niragi." I said through the kiss. I felt him hum against my lips. "We can't do this." I said. He hummed again, and didn't stop kissing me. I like Niragi, I do. But we're literally making out in a white room, all my friends in the next room, no lock and were here in the middle of nowhere playing deadly games. This feels so wrong, but so right. I could hear myself moaning quietly. Because, this does feel good. "Shh." He whispered, breaking the kiss for a second. We both breathed, but kissed each other once again. "What is taking them so long?" I heard Yuna's voice say. I heard her voice coming closer and closer. I pushed Niragi away. "Act like we're having a conversation." I whispered to him. We were legit talking about the weather when Yuna came in. "Hey, why're you taking so long?" Yuna asked. I turned my head to her. "We'll be there in a sec." I said with a smile. She smiled back and closed the door again. "We have to go." I whispered to Niragi. "Oh, I'm not done with you." He said with a smirk. I looked up at him. He looked me up and down as he pocked his inner cheek with his tongue, then walked away from me.  I think I'm deeply in love with this man, cause God, this is making me feel things. And that man, is my boyfriend. The Beach girls must be jealous of me, cause who wouldn't just love to date a long haired psychopath who carries a gun everywhere he goes? I walked out of the room and saw my friends smirk at me. "How was it?" Yuna asked. "How was what?" I asked. "Your kiss?" Yuna said. "How do you know we kissed?" I yell-whispered. "I'm not stupid." Yuna said. "Oh no?" Chishiya asked with a smirk on his face. "If you don't shut up, I'll break up with you." Yuna said turning to her boyfriend. That smirk quickly disappeared. "No seriously, how was it?" Kuina asked with a bright smile. "I might have sex tonight." I whispered, sounding kinda excited. "I didn't have to know that." Chishiya said with a disgusted face. "We did." Kuina and Yuna said. "By the way, I got you a drink." Kuina said, handing me a glass of coke. "Thanks." I said. 



The 4 of us were sitting in the yard. Kuina was laying down in a beach chair. Sakura was sitting right next to her, looking around. I was sitting on a beach chair, next to Chishiya. His arm was over my shoulder. Sakura's leg was bouncing (if you know what I mean) as she looked around her. "What's up?" I asked her. "What am I supposed to do? Should I wait for Niragi, or should I approach him?" Sakura asked. "Why are you stressing?" I asked. "Well, you know Niragi. He's not the sweet, caring, soft boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. He carries a gun everywhere!" Sakura said. "What's your point?" Kuina asked with her eyes closed. "What if he totally lied to me?" Sakura asked, looking honestly worried. "You're being dramatic." Chishiya said. "I'm not!" Sakura said, immediatly defending herself. "If you weren't, you wouldn't be stressing out right now." Chishiya said. "I have to agree on that." I said, raising my right hand. Sakura sighed, and looked down. "Sakura, I advise you to look at the doors now." Kuina said. Sakura's head shot up. She immediately looked behind her. She saw Niragi walking in, looking around him. Then she turned back around to look at us, but her eyes were widened. "What am I supposed to do?" She yell-whispered. "Fucking hell, just walk up to him!" Kuina said. "Okay, I will. Wish me luck." Sakura said, sounding a little nervous. She stood up and walked over to Niragi. 

"She's definitely gonna fuck up."

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