15: Catching Feelings Feels Weird

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"Let's go to the yard, I feel like doing something fun." Yuna said. We walked to the yard, and sat somewhere on a beach chair. "I don't know why everyone's so happy, people here die everyday." Kuina said. "It's because they're drunk." I said, staring at the ground. "Are you okay?" Yuna asked. "Yeah, totally okay. Why?" I asked, actually wondering why she thought I wasn't okay. "You seemed so sad, I don't know." She said. "It's boring here." Kuina said. "Then we'll make it fun!" Yuna said, standing up from the beach chair. "What is she gonna do?" I asked. "I don't know, let's figure it out." Kuina said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with her. We saw Yuna walk up to the DJ. "Hi sir, can we do song requests?" Yuna asked. "Sure, what do you want?" The DJ answered. "Champagne & Sunshine by PLVTINUM." Yuna said with a big, fake smile on her face. The DJ turned on the song and Yuna grabbed out wrists. She took us with her to the dance floor. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Dance!" She said. "What?" Kuina asked. "You heard me, dance!" Yuna said as she grabbed our hands and twirled us around. We laughed. We danced along to the song while laughing as hard as we could. "I'm going to the toilet real quick." Kuina said. Yuna and I nodded as Kuina walked away. "You know, I usually don't do this." I said. "You don't party?" She asked. "No, I usually sit somewhere with Kuina." He said. "Well, do you like this?" She asked. "I don't know, it's fun with you guys but, you'll never see me do this on my own." I said. "Dancing on your own isn't fun." She said. "Fair enough." I said. I've did this before. Not with someone I've known for what, a day? Am I catching feelings? Because if that's so, catching feelings feels weird. I've never had feelings for someone before. And I'm not even sure if I have feelings for Yuna or not. I'll figure it out. The first time I saw her was when we played tag. She looked so incredibly beautiful. But I played it cool and didn't do anything. I was to afraid to tell her she was pretty. And it would be weird. What would you do if you were playing a deadly game and a random boy would tell you that you're pretty? That would've been weird, wouldn't it? I would've told her if I wasn't that afraid. I really would. Fuck, am I in love with Yuna?


I never went to the bathroom. I've been watching them this whole time. I know they like each other, I can feel it. It's just the way they look each other. I've been standing here for a while now and I'm getting bored. Aren't they gonna kiss? I'm getting suspicious. I've been away for 10 minutes. I think it's time to go back. I walked back to them. "Hey."  I said. "Hey, what took you so long?"  Yuna asked. "There was a line. I had to wait to fucking pee, Jesus." I said, knowing how bad this lie was. "A line?" Chishiya asked. He let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, a line!" I said with a laugh. "Oh Sakura's back guys, be prepared." Yuna said. I looked around me to find Sakura. Then I saw her running over to us. "Hey guys!"  She said. "Why are you so happy?"  I asked with a smirk on my face. "Nothing, why?" Sakura said. "Okay, what did you and Niragi do? Tell us." Chishiya said. "All he did was kiss me, nothing more." Sakura said. "Swear it!" Yuna practically yelled. "On my mother, we did nothing more!"  Sakura yelled back. "Well, be prepared. Niragi isn't nice." Chishiya said. "He asked me about you."  Sakura said. "Oh really, what'd he say?" Chishiya said, shooting us a small smirk, because he knew what Niragi said about him. "He said he'd hurt you if you'd hurt me." Sakura said. Chishiya chuckled. "Okay."  He said with a soft chuckle. "He seemed serious."  Sakura said. "Yeah, so?" Chishiya asked. "Well I don't know, he carries a gun everywhere he goes." Sakura said. Yuna and I laughed. "Yeah Chishiya, watch out for the psychopath with the long black hair and the gun." I said with laugh. "Oh yes, I will." Chishiya said. "Are you into Niragi, Sakura?" Yuna asked, tilting her head a bit. "I don't know, maybe. Catching feelings feels weird." Sakura said. "I can agree on that." Chishiya said. We all turned our heads to him.

"Who are you in love with?"

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