36: Who's The Witch?

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I immediately went back downstairs, but Chishiya already saw me. "Yuna!" He said as he followed me. I started walking faster, and so did he. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. "Are you angry at me or something? Because I did nothing wrong." He said, still holding onto my arm. You just killed someone and you wanna tell me you did nothing?" I asked him. "I did that for you!" He said. "No, you did that so you can survive! You didn't do that for me! You did it for yourself! Don't lie to me!" I said. I don't want to fight with Chishiya. This situation is stressing me out. "Yuna, why would I lie to you?" He asked. I had no answer to that. "Chishiya, you're avoiding me." I said. "What?" He asked. "Come on, you never talk to me. You walk away from me every time I come around. Tell me what's the issue!" I said. Gosh, I sound like I'm in one of those Y/N wattpad stories. "Maybe because we can die any moment and I'm just really fucking stressed out? Come on Yuna." He said. I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say? "Bye, Yuna." He said as he walked away from me. This bullshit can't stop me. I need to survive this game.

I will survive this game.


What the fuck am I doing? I'm carrying dead bodies and throwing them in a big fire with guys I don't even know. I wonder what happened to Yuna and Chishiya. I wonder what Ann found out about Momoka's body. After I threw someone's dead body in the fire, I get back inside. "Time remaining: 20 minutes." I hear the robotic voice say. The first thing I see is a bunch of militants pointing guns at other players. "Kill them all." Aguni said. As soon as I heard that, I ran away from the crowd and was looking for a safe place. Hard to find in a place like this. I ran upstairs. I saw someone familiar there. Chishiya. I walked up to him. "Hello." I said. He quickly turned around. "Hi, Sakura." He said. I stood next to him. "Nice view." I said. Chishiya didn't respond, it was quiet for a second. "How was your talk with Yuna?" I asked. "Why did she tell you about that?" He asked me. What a stupid guy. "Why wouldn't she?" I asked him. He didn't even talk to me. I looked down, and I saw Aguni point a gun at one of the militants. "Stop it already!" Someone yelled.


"Let's end this game." His friend said. He had a blue cap. I think his name is Tatta. But I'm not sure. They walked to the center of the room.

Arisu, Tatta, Usagi and Asahi.

"I was confined by you guys the entire time, even when the murder occurred. I'm sure you know that I couldn't have been the witch. If you aren't the witch, then there's no need to kill me. Please cooperate with me and search for the witch!" Arisu said. Aguni walked towards him. Arisu looked at him with hope, but Aguni had something else in mind. He punched Arisu in the face. "Arisu!" Usagi said as he fell to the ground. "Stop it!" Usagi said as she tried pushing Aguni. But he pushed her away with ease. Aguni grabbed Arisu by his collar. "Now I know. The reason why you attacked Arisu, even though he's the only one with an alibi. That's because you're the witch!" Usagi yelled. "You, are you the witch?" A guy asked. I don't understand all this. Why did this happen? "Yes. I'm the witch." Aguni said. Militants started pointing their guns at him. Aguni dropped his gun and walked towards the militants. "Shoot me." He said. The militants were to scared. "Do it!" Aguni yelled. "Aguni is not the witch!" Arisu yelled. Everyone looked at him. "This is a Ten of Hearts game! A game that toy's with people's feelings! It's not a game were you win by killing Aguni!" He continued.

"You're not the witch. So why? That's because you have another motive." Arisu said quietly. "Another motive?" I asked myself. "The one you killed was not Momoka. It was Hatter." Arisu said. I looked at Chishiya and he looked back at me. "Where's Yuna?" He asked.


I was looking for Kuina when I heard 2 familiar voices yell my name. I turned around and saw Chishiya and Sakura running towards me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked them. "You have to come and see this. I nodded and they leaded me to a place. We hid behind a wall. I saw Arisu and Usagi on the floor, militants all around the room and Aguni in the center. "What is this about?" I whispered. "About how Aguni killed your father." Chishiya said. My heart dropped after I heard that. "I found out after I saw your eyes. It was as if you had given up all hope. Those eyes. It was the same as mine that day. Those eyes after I killed my friends." Arisu said. There was silence. "You're not dumb." He continued. "Yet you wanted to kill everyone right from the start. That's not like you! You must have had anothet motive in mind." Arisu said as he got up from the floor. I got away behind the wall and joined the crowd, and no one saw it except for Sakura and Chishiya. "Yuna get back here!" Sakura yell-whispered. "Ever since I came to the Beach, I thought it was strange. If you had many firearms, the militants would've gained control over the Beach a long time ago. Yet that didn't happen until now. In reality, you were not in a conflict with Hatter at all. Didn't you both actually help each other? You wanted to make sure that dangerous people like Niragi don't go on a rampage. You tried to hold them back." Arisu said ad he walked towards Aguni. "You...Weren't you and Hatter best friends in reality? Then, why did you kill him?" Arisu asked. And suddenly I know what this is about. "For some reason..." I said loudly. All eyes were on me. I stepped forward. "You couldn't forgive my father for what he did." I said. People started whispering and giving me looks. But I didn't care. All I'm doing now, is ending this. "You wanted to stop father and his crazy ways. You wanted your best friend to regain his senses." I said with tears in my eyes.

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