25: Let's Get It Started

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(I know it's summer, but Halloween's just fun lmao)


The militants left the room and took Arisu. But we stayed. Me and Chishiya. We waited until they were fully gone. Then I ran over to the painting and took it of the wall. "Okay, quick. I wanna go to this halloween party tonight." I said, placing the painting on the couch. "Halloween party?" Chishiya chuckled. "Yeah, you should come. I'm Harley Quinn, Sakura's the joker and Kuina is Poison Ivy. Fun right?" I said. "I don't do Halloween, but I'll come and see you guys there." Chishiya said as he entered the code in the safe behind the painting. 8022. The safe opened and revealed a small box. He opened it and took the cards inside of it. "We got them." He said as he putted the cards in his pocket. He putted the empty box back in the safe and closed it. I hung the painting up against the wall. "Let's go." I said. We scanned the area around us to make sure no militant was there. "How long is it gonna take, we're bored." I heard Kuina's voice say. "We're literally on our way." I said. "Okay." Sakura said. We went around the corner and saw Sakura and Kuina leaning against the wall. "Jesus Christ, that took forever." Sakura said as the both of them walked towards us. Kuina looked around her. "Do you have the cards?" She whispered as she leaned in. Me and Chishiya nodded. "Okay, so are we gonna get ready for Halloween now?" Sakura asked. "My room?" I asked.  The 2 girls nodded. "What about Chishiya?" Kuina asked. "Yeah, are you joining?" Sakura asked. "No. I don't do Halloween. I'm just going with you guys." He said. "You're kind of boring, you know?" Sakura asked. "Thanks." Chishiya said. We arrived a the meeting room. I sighed as I opened the door. I walked as fast as I could, but stopped as I heard my name. "Yuna." Aguni's voice said. "What?" I asked as I turned to him. "I don't want your friends here anymore." He said. "For dinner and breakfast? Okay, that should be fine." I said. "No, I mean not in your room." He said. "Why not?" I asked him. "Because they will hear things they shouldn't." He said, standing up from his seat. "Well, that's not our problem. You shouldn't talk about things they shouldn't know when those certain people are here." I said, also stepping closer to him. "I'm your boss." He said. "Who said I actually voted for you? I was forced too, didn't you see it?" I said as I looked up at him. "Were you?" He asked. "He loaded his gun, he was gonna shoot me." I said. "You know what, take your fucking friends." He said. I smiled at him. I walked to the door. "Come." I said to my friends. They walked over to me and followed me to my room. "Okay, what the hell just happened?" Sakura asked as she opened my bedroom door. "Aguni thinks he rules the Beach, but he really doesn't. No one replaces Hatter." I said as I sat down on my bed. "Who else could've been the leader?" Kuina asked as she sat down next to me. "Either me or Kuzuryu. But Niragi didn't agree, because he thinks only strong people can rule the Beach. Yes, Aguni's strong, but not wise. You're not a leader when all you do is kill people and throw them in the garbage." I said. "Kuzuryu's wise. So are you." Chishiya said. I whispered a small "Thanks" under my breath. "Yeah, you are. You could easily be the leader." Sakura said. I smiled at her, appreciating her words. "Okay, are we gonna get ready for this Halloween party or not?" Kuina asked, looking at us for an answer. "Let's get it started." I said. Me and Kuina stood up. I went through my drawer to get my outfit. "Let me run to my room quickly and get my outfit. You coming, Sakura?" Kuina asked. Sakura nodded as her and Kuina ran out of my room. "What should I do for you guys?" Chishiya asked. "You should help us do our hair." I said. "You think I'm good at that?" He asked with a chuckle. "Well you're a dude with long hair, so yes?" I asked. We both chuckled. "I'm gonna go change." I said. He gave me a nod as I headed to my bathroom. I'm going as Harley Quinn, but without a blonde wig. I hate wigs. It itches, it's uncomfortable and annoying. I putted on my outfit and looked in the mirror. This looks so stupid but so hot at the same time. When I was 15, I had a huge crush on Harley Quinn because I liked her psycho behavior. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Chishiya for approval. "I have to get used to this, but you look great." He said. "Thanks." I said as I realized Sakura and Kuina were waiting to get changed. "Bathroom's free." I said to them. They both walked into my bathroom. I went to my make-up table and took two hair ties. I sat down in front of my mirror. and tied my hair in two ponytails. "Could you grab the hair spray on my dresser?" I asked Chishiya. He walked to my dresser and looked at all of the hair sprays. "Pink and blue, right?" He asked. "Yeah." He grabbed the both of them and handed the to me. I shook both of the bottles. "Can you do the other side?" I asked. He sat down next to me and took the pink hair spray from me. He shook te bottle and sprayed the bottom of my right ponytail. "Is this good?" He asked, looking at my hair in the middle. "Yes, it's perfect. Thank you." I said, looking up at him as he stood up. I sprayed my other ponytail blue. Kuina and Sakura walked out. "All we need to do now is make-up and you guys' hair." I said. Kuina and Sakura both nodded as they putted their stuff on my dresser. 

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