Chapter 13: Suspicions

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Killer followed Kid leading the way to the forest. The captain has no idea on what is in the forest but his feet urges him to go there.

For some reason, something didn't feel right.

Upon stepping on the boundaries of the forest, Killer felt uneasy. He also lost your familiar presence by the moment he felt it like a blink of an eye.

"You think she's here?" Killer asked.

"I can sense her a while ago but... It vanished." Kid roamed his eyes around the forest, hoping he'll see someone but to no avail. He's very sure he sensed your presence for a little moment.

They decided to step in further because Kid's worry is rising. Both of them searched the premises for not too long until Kid's transponder snail rang.

"What?" Kid answered the transponder snail while keeping an eye on the forest.

"Captain, y/n is back!" He can hear Mohawk's cheerful voice. Kid turned off the snail without a word and they immediately decided to go back to their location.

When they came back to where Mohawk and Masclara awaits, they saw you talking with them like nothing happened.

"Captain, y/n is back" Masclara grinned as she waves upon seeing them approach.

"Where have you been, woman?" Kid went straight to snarl on you, annoyed from what you did.

"I was looking for something...and don't you call me woman like I'm a stranger!" You corrected him with furrowed brows and hands on your hips.

"Whatever, I want to drink the night away." He said lazily.

"I know somewhere to go." Mohawk said and lead the way.

While walking, Killer held your hand and said you got him worried. You apologized for the sudden disappearance and assured him that there's nothing to worry about.

Entering the bar, Heat and Wire are already there. Funny thing is...everyone is drinking casually but Heat and Wire seems to be waiting.

As you were sitting on the opposite side of Wire, he's looking at you in a wary way. You are aware of it but decided to ignore it, he might've been annoyed for the emergency search for you.

"Didn't expect you to be here soon, we were about to call your transponder snail to stop the search." Killer sat beside you.

"I already figured y/n is not in danger, so we headed here to wait." Wire said, his eyes never leaving you.

"Where are the others? Weren't they with you?" Kid asked the two men.

"Uh, captain, Wire sent them back to the ship to guard it and the others are scattered near this bar in case of... emergency." Heat explained. He looks worried more than usual as he glances at you for a moment then to Killer.

"What seems to be the problem?" Killer asked. He observed something is off with the way his comrade acts.

"Marines." Wire simply replied and noticed a tiny bit of a reaction from you. In a span of a moment, his trident is pointing near you while Killer had a knife blocking the longer tip of the trident as an act of his defense reflex. Their movements were so fast that it only took you a blink to realize your situation.

"WOAH, wooooahhhh" You raised both hands in the air while eyeing the trident pointing to you.

If Wire was aiming for murder, you wouldn't be able to dodge it with his speed and your lack of experience. However, if that was the case, Killer matches his speed to block the trident from you with just a knife to defend you. But, Killer knows Wire was not aiming for murder.

Chest Box (Killer x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant